Well I've been all around the houses with this. None of the fabrics I showed in my last post felt absolutely, definitely, no doubt about it right. So I went back to my boxes and tried almost everything. I tried solids, big pattern, small pattern. I tried variations on blue, yellow and brown again. Then I tried green, then grey, then pink, purple, red. I tried pretty much everything.
This was the one I liked the best.
But when I spread the fabric out and tried it over a bigger area, I liked it less. Humph.
All the fabric went back in the boxes and I tried to figure out why nothing was working. In short, I wanted something that would fit effortlessly in with the blocks I had, but I could find it; all my blocks seemed to float above the fabrics I was finding. I wondered if the answer was to use more than one choice. (As a side note, some of these fabrics may still sneak into the quilt somewhere,just not here.)
Yesterday the boxes came out again. I considered a dark grey, an old Carolyn Friedlander with gold triangles. Both had their merits but neither ticked all my boxes.
Then I had a moment of insight (yes, it happens from time to time). When I started this project my note to self read 'not literal, just a design prompt: lines, shapes, repeats, spaces'. Yet here I was, thinking literally: these spaces needed to be a different fabric because they were 'roads' not 'alleyways' or 'walls'. But this is a quilt not a map. So I tried this.
Much better. Onwards and upwards!