Monday, 5 November 2018


No sewing last week as it was half-term and there were all sorts of kid-related shenanigans going on instead.  I try to plan ahead for these moments and have piles of mindless piecing ready, so that I can keep ticking over, but this project doesn't lend itself to that approach.  As a result I was extremely happy to get back to it this morning.

I have decided to stick permanently with the rotated version of this quilt, although I haven't yet worked out a satisfactory way to add the extra bit of length it needs as a result.  I mostly worked today on accumulating more pieced chunks to work with.  I have run out of proper pieces of two fabrics now - you can see how a lot more of my basic squares are made up of scraps now.

These two pictures give a rough idea of where I'm headed - there's not much more sewn down than there was last time, but you get the gist.


em's scrapbag said...

Hope you make lots of progress this week. Love all the different sashing strips with your scraps.

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

The difference between the white and navy sashing is very interesting and I hope you have fun finding the balance for the additions that you work on this week.

Lisa J. said...

I'm really liking how you have managed to work the navy sashing in to the quilt now. It's working really well.

Quiltdivajulie said...

I'm liking this more and more -- good luck with the additional lengthening process.

JanineMarie said...

I do like this orientation, but I can’t really say why. I love how the little “filmstrip” sections look, and am wondering if there will be more now that your fabric supply is smaller.

patty a. said...

I really like this piece. I think the balance of the colors with the blue and navy blue accents is just right. I wish I could get more done, but work is taking it's toll on me.

Ann said...

I like the way you're sneaking dark strips in and we all love the scrap ladders. Thanks for sharing how you're putting it together. This is turning out so well. As always.
I've been traveling lately, too, although no kids on holiday for me. Enjoy your time.

Janie said...

Yes, kid based shenanigans! Sometimes a whirlwind
can blow through life.
Good progress on arrangement and theme.

Mystic Quilter said...

It's always good to get back into the sewing! I hadn't realised this quilt was going to be the size you mentioned in the previous post. I'm very attracted to the small squares in the bottom rh side with the pop of orange and the lilac,I see it's repeated at top left, this quilt is growing nicely!

helenjean@midgetgemquilts said...

kid shananigans sounds fun, I miss those days. Most of the time! I like the navy sashing, I thought, oh snakes and ladders!

Sandy Panagos said...

This has come SO far! the navy and white are so distinct. I love the teensy bits of pink in there!