Still plugging away at the 9 patches, but this morning it got too much for me, as you will see. I did finish my next big 9x9 - here it is lying in its place.
The interesting bit of this is definitely going to be in how all these bigger bits fit together. Cutting freehand means that the sizes of these blocks varies quite significantly. Take a look at the difference between the middle row and the two on the bottom. See what I mean! Unless I really can't come with anything better I don't want to trim the bigger ones down so the challenge will be in what to add to the small units. I reckon this is a pretty good example of the excitement/frustration of this way of going about things.
Anyway I was having a tea break and contemplating my little pile of scraps when I found a tempting piece and an idea struck me. Forget about the 9 patches - I decided to do this.
And then this.
One of the good things about the 9 patch construction is that if I hated it, I would only have lost 3 little squares, so could reconstitute things quite easily, but as it happens I like it. I like that it's a slightly different way of adding this fabric, and its an efficient use of the limited quantity I have and I like that it's the reverse of the one on the left; I like that it's another way of adding a bit of width/height. I also like that chopping into something feels less scary every time I do it!
Linking up with Patchwork Times again today.