Saturday, 21 November 2015

Saturday photos #47

Looking at the sky this week.  Best ones, sadly, were seen as driving, but here's what was around when I was stationary. 


Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

lovely!!! We've had some amazing sky shows lately and I've photographed a few but this morning's was the best...naturally I was still in pajamas and in the middle of making hashbrowns :(

Paulette said...

You've captured some beautiful images! One of my favorite things about walking is watching the sky. It's amazing how it changes from day to day, moment to moment. Wish I had a camera on my walk a few days ago when there was a brilliant double rainbow. Today, we had our first snow of the season!

Janie said...

Blues especially at sunrise or sunset are so scrumptious.

Mystic Quilter said...

Beautiful - especially the bare Winter trees.

Soma @ said...

Beautiful! Each one is so different!


Stephie said...

There have been some amazing skies lately - when they're not grey and filled with rain! You captured them really well here, a lovely mosaic :)