Sunday, 8 November 2015

Veering off course, but still circular

Today will mostly be about quilting, as my unblogged odyssey is nearing its end, but I will sneak in a bit of denim too.  However, rather than sharing more of the same I am going to share the newest project.  

But first, I always say I am a 'one quilt at a time' sort of person; or at least one quilt being pieced, one being quilted.    I just did a quick count and I currently have 5 projects on the go, three more that I have promised to start and another 3 quilts waiting patiently to be quilted.  How did that happen? Total lack of self-control maybe?  Fuzzy-headedness due to age?  Inability to count? 

I'm not letting it stop me though.  As I mentioned on Friday I have just decided to join Audrey's 365 Days circle-based project and have been playing around deciding on my starting points.  There are so many options: what to use as the background squares, what to use for the circles...brights, neutrals, patterns, plains...infinite variations.  

I looked at my limited stash of neutrals, the brown-y shades - nowhere near enough, given that I'm using two of these already...

the greys...more feasible maybe...

I have a lot of these old Oakshott stripes..

Looking at these now I am wavering - those greys might work...but as I have worked on the Eclipse denim piece I have been thinking a lot about circles, and already had some ideas I wanted to take forward, so I choose to think that this project coming up is serendipity and I am going to have a go at working with denim again.  If it works this will combine at least 3 strands of thought I have going on (more on that another time) so I have cut some squares (square-ish) and will get started.

Here goes today's set, should be stitched by close of play.

By the way, there was some fantastic stuff on the AHIQ link-up again this month.  People are doing great work but I am also finding the discussions stimulating and exciting - my head is jumping with ideas, so thanks to everyone who is joining in, either by posting or commenting.  You can check out Ann's wrap-up post here.


LA Paylor said...

I don't know about a circle a day but certainly I want to do a project like this with everyone. I love a circle and there are lots of possibilities. My imagination is going wild. Denim circles or background?

Ann said...

All it took was this comment, LeeAnna, and my mind is racing to a jillion different ideas. Previously my thoughts were fairly consistent and expected. I think it was the idea that it doesn't have to be one every day. Thanks!

Ann said...

Oh, we are on the same chapter, Kaja. I like to think I don't squirrel projects/blocks away; that everything is out in a clear container. So how can I always find surprises? I just finished three request quilts, found spiderwebs, ocean waves, and the selvedge quilt is still waiting. Oh, and two more t-shirt quilts. And pillow for Christmas. Aargh!

Anonymous said...

This is a really cool project!!! hugs~

Doris Perlhuhn said...

What a great project! I look at my stash and see that there is enough for all moods I can imagine. ;-) Now I have to decide the color of the squares. Thanks a lot for this post.

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

"Inability to count" LOL yes.

scraphappy said...

365 circles, now that sounds like a fun project. I think a lot of quilters have lost the ability to count. Too much temptation in the form of wonderful inspirations. I guess there are worse things than too much temptation to sew.

Sarah said...

Interesting project. I might join!

Linda @ kokaquilts said...

This could get very interesting! Denim circles, or backgrounds, or both? Look forward to following your progress!

Quilter Kathy said...

It is such a great idea... I am trying to resist due to the crazy number of UFO's I'd like to finish.
But I will enjoy watching those who do play along... so fun!

Deb A said...

I forgot how to count my current projects long ago... or maybe I can't count that high? Enjoy the circles. I am going to try and resist for another month or two.... if I can... and try and finish up a few more UFO's first. I seem to need motivation to actually finish things.

Stephie said...

I'm joining in with the circle project too :) I have so many ideas, it's hard not to run away with them. I LOVE those Oakshott's...and might be a little bit jealous! It's interesting though because as it's a year's project we don't know what might be added to our stash and make it's way into the quilt over that time (although I shan't be buying anything specifically for it, except maybe a backing when it gets to that stage). I'm not sure it's age that stop the counting - I have recently acquired the same problem, I blame over enthusiasm and optimism that I'll finish them all before I pop my clogs!!!

VivJM said...

Ooooh circles! I am very tempted by that project, but I think I might be overcommitted as it is!! I will watch your progress with interest :-)

Mary Marcotte said...

I had a plan. A good plan. Then Houston sidetracked me. Now I have a new project--with thoughts that I might be able to finish three twin size quilts before Christmas. What happened?!!!

I've decided to sit out the circle project while I make my own circles....drunkard's path blocks for now, double wedding ring later. So I guess I'll be sitting on the bench with my feet sticking out on the court. (Most likely I'll trip up a player!)

Lara B. said...

I really need to master curved piecing... A circle quilt is definitely on my bucket list. Kaja, I can't wait until you can show us your unblogged project.... the suspense has been building! LOL - You are going to need to rethink your "one quilt at a time" identity!

Sue said...

Ha! Yesterday, I took a day off and went walking, and while I was out an idea for a (sort of) circular block came into my head. I got a bunch of small pieces of bright solids in a swap and was trying to think what to do with them. I came straight home and pulled all the fabrics I'll use, and put them in a bag with my design idea. So, even though I was not here reading about 365 circles, I was on the wavelength anyway. I laughed out loud just now, reading all the comments!

Cathy said...

Why count projects?
I think it will be fun to see everyone's version of Quilty 365 circles. Denim sounds wonderful.

audrey said...

Love the idea of denim, especially with the way you add such wonderful stitching to your quilts! I can't believe how creative people are getting with this project--mine will be looking very humble indeed.:) As you know I always have quite a few projects going on at the same time. For some reason one project just doesn't work for me. And then people start these QAL's and I can't bear to be left out so there goes another project!!

Quilting Babcia said...

You're off to a great start, and I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with these blocks! So much fun seeing what everyone is doing with this project.

liniecat said...

Hi there,
East Yorkshire UK here and I am coming ate to Audreys circles. I'm rarely on schedule for tasks I set myself, although on the button with work things, odd that!
I'm using my stash of scraps and may well keep to neutral backgrounds but think I will throw in some curve ball squares too.
Not exactly planning ahead, but wont be able to make one every day and actually don't fancy placing each days in sequence?
Mind you I will number them so can decide on layout later.
I'm following you by email and several of the others taking part too. Will be really interesting to watch what takes place aongst everyone.
Love the use of denim - added texture and weight!