Well, this has been a slooooow week. I've been well and truly stuck, though I think I've got myself sorted out now.
What seems like ages ago I added the chunk at the bottom here...
then swiveled things around...
...and added a couple more rows. Then everything came to a grinding halt. I tried all sorts of things, including going back and making a load of extra strips, but nothing pleased me. So I put it all back in its box and let it stew for a day or two.
In that time I came to think that maybe my strip sets needed to be a bit longer. I was still making them the same sort of size that I had started with, but now that the sides are longer it all ended up looking too bitty. Luckily I could just add a bit to some sets, though I've run out of two fabrics, so anything using those will stay the size it is.
Here's a less cropped view than usual, to show how it looks when I'm working. Mess all over the floor. Ho hum.
I'm working on two sides at once now (left hand and bottom in this picture). I want to manage how I use the remaining fabrics and this lets me juggle things more effectively I think. As always, looking at the photos gives a useful perspective. In the picture below I can see too much brown in the bottom left - I need to add some blue, I think, and maybe sneak in a bit of green too. I'm also thinking I might shunt things over to the right and let the vertical lines from the side carry on down.
For now though, it's back in the box for the weekend.