Wednesday 8 March 2017

Breaking my own rules

I'm still rotating this, still adding bits and pieces.

In the normal course of things I avoid putting two pieces with the same fabric next to each other, but today I broke that rule.  You can see there are two strips of the biggish check next to each other in the bottom right corner above.  I tried every other fabric I had next to the inner one of the two but couldn't come up with something I liked.  I don't know why I stuck the second strip down, but I did, and then I decided that actually I didn't mind it there and it could stay.  It may be a slightly sad reflection on the rest of my life that this felt a bit risky when I did it, but the more I look at it, the more it seems just fine, and not really risky at all.

After adding those bits I decided I wanted to work in a slightly bigger chunk, rather than just swiveling with every addition and ending up with a log cabin.  I like the log cabin feel to it so far, but just don't want to get too predictable.  So you can see I'm working on a section at the bottom (of this photo, not necessarily of the quilt).  It's not all stitched together yet but I'm there or thereabouts.  Then I will swivel again.


Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

I know that there is a saying, "rules are meant to be broken," but I think the self-imposed ones can feel the scariest to break sometimes. It looks balanced and sometimes "random" means things are not evenly distributed...

Nifty Quilts said...

It's looking great! I love the little "mistakes" like two pieces of the same fabric together. The larger chunks are nice too.

Ariane said...

It's looking great!!

Anonymous said...


I think your quilt looks great. The older I get the more I love to shake up my "rules." It makes me feel empowered and in control.

It's so much fun to see what you're doing and to hear about the process. Thank you for sharing.


Lynette said...

Break the rules when that's what works! :D

patty a. said...

I like the two checkerboard sections together. If you had them spread out evenly across the quilt it would look to conceived, to orderly, to designed. I love the big chunky rows at the bottom of the second picture. Makes it look less log cabin like. I can see it is much long than it is wider so you will do another turn and add a chunk to the side. This is one cool quilt!

Ann said...

Changing to a different scheme (from Log Cabin) looks like a good plan.
I don't like to put the same fabric next to itself either, but it works here. Something to remember. Thanks.

9658 Textiles said...

I Love the color combos. They are refreshing in a slightly sophisticated and playful way.

Mary Marcotte said...

Working in chunks seems to be your thing (so to speak) but it works so well, especially in this particular case. I find that the harder I try to keep the same fabrics from touching the more they insist on having their way. Sometimes it really bothers me--but I try to resist the urge to make changes really soon--and other times I'm okay with the "problem" area right away. I have no idea why this is, but it would be interesting to figure out.

Janie said...

I don't work with rules, I work with what I like, the process is a lot more agreeable for me that way.
You're making progress, good for you.

Doris Perlhuhn said...

It is a little like stumbling for the eyes. :-) but very interesting. Curious where it will lead you. Go for it!

Doris Perlhuhn said...

It is a little like stumbling for the eyes. :-) but very interesting. Curious where it will lead you. Go for it!

LA Paylor said...

a strong woman feels comfortable breaking her own rules!! Actually I learned by doing it putting two blocks with the same fabric next to each other creates interesting lines and shapes. I'm into it. Keep going! Oooo a title for the quilt could be "you gotta break a few eggs" LeeAnna

Quiltdivajulie said...

Yes Yes YES!!!

Shelina said...

The stripes seem to be going in different directions and look wonderful next to each other. I am 7 posts behind in reading your blog and it is a delight to see this beautiful quilt.

Stephie said...

I love the way this is coming together Kaja, the colours and shapes are spot on and it's a really interesting variation of Chinese Coins. It's funny, I like putting fabrics of the same kind next to each other to create different shapes, I can't imaging feeling "risky" about it! x