Nothing earth-shattering going on here, but some steady progress. I've spent a fair bit of my time just making coin strips and little pinwheels, but every so often I've stopped,had a bit of a tinker and added a bit somewhere.
Firstly, on the left-hand side, which got straightened up in the process..
Looking at this I realised that I had come to think of that mucky green strip as the bottom of the quilt, but when I started this I said I would go for something that worked whichever way round it landed, so I rotated it before working on the next additions (which went on what are now the left-hand side and the bottom).
And so it goes on.
Linking up today with Busy Hands Quilts for Finished or Not Friday.
I like the spontaneity of the pinwheels.
Looks Great! I love the free flow wonkiness of it!
Oh - I really like the idea of rotating the top 90 degrees after each addition . . . building it like a log cabin from the center out or from the outside in. Lovely!
This just looks better and better with each addition!
It's beautiful! I'm getting more and more into letting things reveal themselves rather than planning much of anything. Free flowing projects always make me think of kaleidoscopes. I can almost see your pinwheels spinning.
Thank you so much for sharing your process and pictures of your project.
this is coming along nicely
What a simple yet clever idea to keep rotating the quilt as you add to it. I think it adds more spontaneity. Certainly keeps your perspective fresh.thanks for the tip.
I don't know how big this is right now, but it strikes me as looking like it would make a nice baby quilt. Boy or girl.
I'm glad you turned it round that green strip comes into its own this way. I have to remember to do that too. What a great idea: pinwheel coins!
Oh yes, your rotation really worked. There is a lot of interest in this quilt but very subtle. Great colour combination as always.
Working in the round kind of like a pin wheel. Love the balance you've created. Keep it up superwoman!
I love the relaxed feel of this composition. Sounds like you're enjoying the work, which shows in the piece.
I agree, that green strip was giving the illusion of done. Since you turned the quilt and added more bits, it feels like just a strip. Of course, now your coins are stacked sideways for the most part, which is interesting. It's fun to watch your process flesh out in bits and pieces. Are you aware that those two pinwheels on the bottom left are hiding in plain sight? lol I missed them completely at first.
I am enjoying seeing the process of this quilt. So many lessons for improv quilting. I really lie the pinwheels you added to the coins. And the fabric selection is marvelous.
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