Not infrequently I wish I had a dedicated sewing space, where I could leave stuff out rather than having to pack everything into a box at the end of each sewing session. If I want to remember how my pieces relate to each other I have to pile them very carefully and occasionally I pin them together. More often though I don't bother with that and trust either that I will remember or that the best way to use the bits will emerge, even if it's not what I had before.
With this quilt I have had a plan almost since the beginning and had been working on the basis that I would have 3 columns of birds and two wide columns using my wonky stars - like this:
Today, though, getting it out of the box, I changed my mind. I now think I will have four columns of birds and three, narrower, ones with the stars, more or less.
For now I am concentrating on this side of the quilt - nothing going on over on the right hand side - and it now looks like this.
You may spot that I have found a place to use a few of the paler flying geese I was playing with last time and also that the stars are creeping in all over the place.