Monday, 19 November 2018

A quick detour

I am still thinking about my map quilt, but haven't done much.  Instead I have been putting a bit of extra time into the hand sewing, since I have a quilt heading towards done.  I have also made two cushions (or pillows).  I've never tried this before but it's been kind of fun.  

Here's one with a pillow (or cushion) pad, though not one that's quite big enough, just one that was lying around.
 And a second one, which is smaller.
I have one more of these in the works, but I'm still quilting it.  


patty a. said...

These are so pretty! That sky would just not be a wonderful without that fabulous bird fabric.

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

I love how a pillow cover / cushion transforms when the form is placed inside!

beth s said...

I'm inspired to make a lighthouse pillow. So wonderful.

Janie said...

Beautiful hand quilting and piecing, Kaja.
All the prints and colors work great together too!

Marly said...

Lovely! You make it all seem so easy!

Kim said...

Fabulous pillows; so professionally done! Love the birds flying in the sky fabric.

Shelina said...

Oh wow! I love both of these. Take all the detours you want, these are well worth it.

Mystic Quilter said...

These are beautiful!! Love the horizontal quilting Kaja.

Quiltdivajulie said...

These are awesome!!!

audrey said...

Oh wow! So much fun here. What a great little sidetrack project!

Ann said...

These will make a wonderful set. The lighthouses really shine against the blues. Love the birds on your sky fabric; it really looks like they are near the shore as the fishing boats return.
I can’t tell that the pillow insert is small but perhaps it will fill the second quilt better. I’ve come to enjoy overstuffed pillows. They ju#t seem so luxurious. A treat for a lazy day of resting.

Doris said...

Detours are always worthwhile. Lovely pillows. Gives me ideas for a small project.

Soma @ said...

They are really quite lovely. I can almost hear the birds and smell the water.


Mary Marcotte said...

I really like quilted pillows. There's something about them that gives a feeling of home. These will look especially nice on the light house quilt. Or was that the intent all along?