Sunday, 7 October 2018

Fits and starts

It appears this is one of those projects that involves a fair bit of puzzling things out, though I hope my little strips are going to provide at least part of the answer. 
My issue currently is that although I like my individual pieces and the stripy fabric that is joining them together, I don't want it everywhere, otherwise each block is framed with the stripes and the whole thing ends up looking too- well, block-y.  Yes, I know that's not a word, but hopefully it conveys my problem.  If this is just a collection of big rectangles outlined with stripes then it becomes static, so I need to find ways to keep some movement.  I'm hoping the newest pieces will help with that, firstly just because they are a different element but also, on a more practical level, they are a way to stop any individual line of the stripy fabric extending too far, of disrupting the grid. 

This picture is quite a good example, even with the extra strip sets, of how easily this could feel static and lumpen. 
I think I need to add something more.


Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

I understand what you mean, Kaja. I do like that some of the stripes you are adding are like ladders or frames with additional fabric pieces, that helps change things up a bit for me. I look forward to seeing what you add in for additional movement.

Ann said...

I see glimmers of what you want to achieve, Kaja. Quite interesting. A third fabric grouping will make a huge difference.

O'Quilts said...

There is certainly benefit from sewing slowly and starting with your own collection of shirts, etc. I have to go thru my WIP or UFO order to treat myself this way. Thank you for your nice comment on my zigzag quilt.

patty a. said...

I really like the new strip set you added with the little squares. Maybe along with adding a new element, dig thru that pile and see if you can find another light stripe, plaid or geometric print so your not using the same one for joining. It might break up the static look.

Janie said...

I!m excited to see the 'design' wheels turning here.
That last photo looks great turned once counter clockwise.

Soma @ said...

I can see glimpses of what you are trying to achieve. It looks great so far. I like the strip with the little squares very much.


audrey said...

So interesting to read how you're feeling your way through this quilt! I am confident that you'll find a good way to resolve the current issue. It's looking so good already!

France Nadeau ❅ inspiration imagination creation said...

Hi! I'll believe you if you say that it needs something more. But to me, it is just perfect as it it. I love how the stripes are distributed. When I look at your block, I see a small town viewed from the sky. But this image is surely too static for what you have in mind. :-)

LA Paylor said...

my two cents.... I really like the way the stripey pieces come and go throughout the piece. It gives it line and continuity. It's not evenly spaced, but it gives me a road to travel around the piece. Don't overthink it, you have so much intuition as you work. This is really good to me.

Mystic Quilter said...

I love the addition of the strips comprising small blocks!

Carli The Quilter said...

Heh, I know I've MIA lately and so many new posts from you go over. I'm learning that I can take my laptop to my favorite chair and visit the many bloggers I follow across the world. Gorgeous start as usual!

This looks so inviting to a color scheme for my brother. He loves anything I make him and he needs a little something to cheer him up!

Glen QuiltSwissy said...

I know what you mean about not really being satisfied with the options. I have a similar situation with my Modern Robin Tree I am trying to make into a quilt top. I got to the 4th row around and none of my ideas would work.

So I put it aside for later......again.

I have to say, yours is looking much better than mine! LOL