Thursday 6 September 2018

A happy accident

So, here's a quick run through what I managed to get done yesterday.

I started with just the two wee bits, added one more rectangle to the shorter one, thinking I would sew them together.
I was rotating the lower piece to see which way round I preferred it, got distracted and stopped mid-swivel.
I like this better.  

What next? Fill in that gap.
This is where have the map theme has really helped me work out what to do.  I don't want to be overly literal, but have been thinking about the challenge in terms of breaking my inspiration pictures down into their component parts:squares, rectangles, strips.  If these things matter then in this piece the little plain strips mark the walls between each dwelling, the stripy strips mark the alleys.  I'm hoping that the bluer fabrics in my bundle will represent both the courts (open spaces in the centre where people had access to the communal privies) and the roads.  

I got as far as this.
Works for me.


Julierose said...

this is coming along so well with thsoe "main" and "secondary" roadways...reminds me of country roads...hugs, Julierose

Ann said...

This is working out well. Unlike Julie, it reminds me of the tight housing in old areas of large cities. Funny how we read our experiences into other people's works. You're on a roll.

LA Paylor said...

changing the scale, redirecting our eyes, giving yourself a little blue park to rest in

Quiltdivajulie said...

I agree about the different ways we see things. I like what you are doing a lot -- great mix of fabrics and good design.

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

I love that you paused mid-swivel. It works very well, and I'm curious to see how it continues to evolve and grow.

Cathy said...

Works for me too! Happy accident = happy little neighborhood. I miss alleys. Older neighborhoods like I grew up in had them but as they built new subdivisions they left out the alleys.

Janie said...

Super arrangement, with balance and contrast.
Looks good Kaja.

Quilting Babcia said...

Every quilt has a story to tell, and yours is finding it's voice. Next chapter soon I hope.

Lisa J. said...

Yes it is much more interesting the new way.

patty a. said...

This is looking so good. I like how the white background with the stripes organizes the city blocks(?) or whatever you might call them. I think I have finally come up with an idea for mine.

Robin said...

Looking good! You have an amazing talent for bringing things together in a harmonious way.

Shelina said...

Communal privies! Love the map theme, and the piece fits well in it. I see roads and alleys and houses too.

Carli The Quilter said...

Nice block. Inspiring for around my memory map start.

audrey said...

Oh I like your happy accident. You have such a way with these sorts of fabrics. Makes me more determined to keep a lookout for more shirtings myself.

Unknown said...

I think however you arrive at your design is a valid process (and one of the most fun parts)?!
ps- I can't figure it out but I sign in as cspoonquilt but my son's email keeps coming up? Help?!