Friday, 21 September 2018

Then there were five

It's windy here.  That should have nothing to do with quilting, but I like to work with the back door open as much as possible, so spend some time yesterday just chasing my fabric around the kitchen floor.  Luckily this seemed amusing rather than irritating and I still got my fifth piece done.
This arrangement doesn't signify anything; I tried the blocks lots of different ways but in the end the photo I have used is the one with the least interference from sunlight.

I had said that once I had five blocks I would start to consider how they might be joined, so that is what I did. I had a stack of fabrics that had been in the initial pull but hadn't yet been used, so out they came and this is what they looked like.
Sadly, the one I most wanted to use (top left) is the one I think works least well and the one that I probably like the best (bottom left) is not a full half metre, so there's going to be some compromising somewhere along the line.

I probably should have got further, but for some unaccountable reason I decided that the tail end of a massive storm was the best moment for trimming my horribly overgrown front hedge...


Julierose said...

Isn't that always the way of it? What you envision using/liking--either you don't like it when you see it in situ, or you don't have enough of it..but I guess that what makes a scrappy quilt...right? Oh the ;))) Meanwhile, your blocks are really coming along well...hugs, Julierose

patty a. said...

I must have missed Monday's post because I hadn't noticed the bits of yellow fabrics you have been adding. I think your blocks are looking good.

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

The weather for me has been perfect for having the door open as well, so I can relate to needing to chase things around because of the wind inside. :)

Kim said...

I am loving the progress of this scrappy. It is coming together nicely. I can't wait to see all those blocks of scrappy delight sitting in harmony with each other.

Unknown said...

How would it be if you use African prints for African US resident?

Check African prints on Fabric USA Inc

Quiltdivajulie said...

I quite like that darker brown/gray in the lower left photo - defined but not overwhelmingly powerful.

Sue McQ said...

Plaids! Often not the easiest to work with. You are making it work!

Janie said...

How exciting! I can see you working with the door open and the wind blowing things around,
Maybe it was trying to add it's opinion?
Then you tackled the hedge!
I think the bottom left sample is way too boring.
Just saying.

Robin said...

I love the vision of leaving the door open and having a strong enough breeze to waft your fabrics around. It sounds delightful. I really like the way this is coming together. Each unit is different and the same so they go together and add interest as well. I love the piece in the upper left picture. I think I may have some of that.

Ann said...

Adding the fabrics that didn't make the first cut is a good solution. I like adding the different textures to this piece and yes, I like the ones on the bottom row best. I know you will come to an excellent solution.
I'm pulling fabrics now and am trying to determine how to use them. I'd love to find a way to use fewer as well as you have.

France Nadeau ❅ inspiration imagination creation said...

I love this mix of fabrics and colors!

Mystic Quilter said...

Gosh your quilt is coming along in leaps and bounds! Hope you were able to complete the hedge trimming.

Mary Marcotte said...

I'm loving the outcome so far. What if you were to choose two fabrics that coordinate with what you already have? You surely know how to make that work and you'll have enough, perhaps. I'm liking the upper left and lower right to play well with the rest. The yellow and blue are striking together, especially the darker shades of blue.

Wendy Caton Reed said...

That wonderful stripe that ties these all together looks like birch trees. Very organic and just beautiful!

LA Paylor said...

hope your husband caught a photo of you with your hair wild and blowing, and the clippers wild and snipping! I'd pay to see that! Love how your village of streets and houses is coming along.

Unknown said...

Thank you for the good and very helpful information. It is very interesting. I love all the things you share and see your beautiful creation. Thank you for sharing with everyone.

Glen QuiltSwissy said...

I hav always loved maps. I have tried a few, they are something I want to do more of! Love your colors here.

helenjean@midgetgemquilts said...

being behind in blog reading, I am working backwards in this. Liking the combination of blue, stripes and checks. Now I am off to read the beginning