Thursday 13 September 2018

I never said I was consistent

In my last post I wrote about liking routine and looking forward to getting back to mine.  What did I do next?  Abandoned my routine completely and headed off to an island without the internet, in fact without electricity (in our little bit of it at least) for a few days escape with my sister.  Pictures on Saturday.

However, I am showing a bit of discipline now that I am back and this morning completed another map chunk.  Here it is on its own...
 and with the first one.
I'm straightening the sides when I finish each one, but paying no particular heed to their size of shape.  Despite this, these two are almost exactly the same length.  


Janie said...

How fun! You just run off to an island with your sister. I think that's very inspiring and invigorating.
I'm imagining walks on the beach and the wind in your hair and gorgeous sunrises and sets.
I think I need some of that, I get stuck in a rut sometimes.
Your piecing is looking great , all that inspiration is working!

Doris Perlhuhn said...

I´m curious how you will combine these pieces.
Enjoy your island enjoy that nothing can sidetrack you from enjoying :-)

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Breaks like that are good for the soul, so good for you! :)

Julierose said...

Oh good for you--a nice getaway from it all;)))
I am totally inconsistent---from seam width to piecing --I am just learning to go with the flow..I made 20 little log cabins--think any of them measured the same?HAHAHAHA what a I didn't panic, just sewed them together as best I could and then trimmed up the whole shebang...and so it goes...
I like how your map piece is percolating...hugs, Julierose

Shelina said...

I hope you enjoyed your time with your sister. Your new piece fits very well with the first one.

Ann said...

A treat to spend a quiet weekend with your sister. It's odd how attached we've become to internet. My parents read the paper every morning with coffee. I couldn't wait to be that grown up. Now I wish there was a good physical paper to read every morning. The world turns.
We are such funny creatures, always trying to make a story out of images. I see old city neighborhoods with small parks. and then hedgerows in the country. Can't wait for the next installment.

Kim said...

I think it is a most wonderful thing to run off to an island every now and then. How fabulous to enjoy that time with your sister. Loving this new pretty piece. It fits in beautifully with the other one.

patty a. said...

I am jealous! I would like to run away to an island right now. I hope you had a wonderful time with your sister. I like the two sections you have done so far.

Quiltdivajulie said...

What is inconsistent about breaking routine to spend time with family on an ISLAND? I think it sounds marvelous.

Mary Marcotte said...

I have lots of sisters and any time I can see one or two, I get terribly excited. Running off to an island with one? Thrilled! You know it's not a bad idea! I have to suggest it for the next time we all get together.
My map plan is dead before getting off the ground. I just can't pull it off right now. But it's getting a big chunk of real estate in my 'ideas for the future' book.
You however are making fantastic progress. I love the fabric choices!

Sandy Panagos said...

Nothing beats spending time with sisters! I have four, and we have a blast when we can get together. I like where your project is going.