Wednesday 20 January 2016

January? Where's it gone?

I had plans for January - an AHIQ post or two I wanted to write, a discussion I wanted to pitch into, and a whole load of sewing, but here I am, 20th of the month already and my weeks seem to have been taken up with car stuff, leg stuff, work stuff, and not nearly enough sewing stuff.  I notice too that I'm not the only one who is feeling like this: 2016 seems to be speeding away from us already.  So I will leave AHIQ posts until February, maybe keep my views to myself on a couple of things, and focus on the task in hand.  

I have hit a rhythm with these circles, which I thought would be very time-consuming.  Every day I prep a few: piece or select backgrounds, cut the circles, baste them and iron them, then in the late afternoon and evening I get them stitched up.  As a result I'm actually happy enough with how I'm progressing.

I like that this is tilted towards the greens, but will probably add a few more reds into the mix, and there is one additional element I want to try adding in, though I'm not sure if what is in my head will work in practice.  I'm hoping to play with that over the weekend, all things being equal. Wish me luck!


Paulette said...

Oh my goodness, so pretty! Love, love, love them!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Oh, I like the large block that unexpectedly is in reverse (stripes on the outside, solid circle). I know what you mean about things speeding along, and good luck getting the time to play and explore your idea this weekend!

Jayne said...

I am falling deeply in love with this...more every time I see your progress! It is full of all the colors and fabrics that I love!

Ruth said...

I do know how you feel, I had hoped to have a 2016 FAL post and some quilty resolutions posted about by now but am settling for getting my bee blocks made! I love how this is turning out and really like the different sized circles - you are getting a lot done very quickly though so its been time well spent!

Sue said...

I think we are all feeling that way...we needed a break! The big wind-up and to-do that is the holiday season really wiped me out. For January, I decided to wade into my sewing space and really, truly get it the way I want it. This means lots of getting-rid-of things I really don't need or like, including fabrics, tools and machines (lored help me, I have more than I know) and no sewing and little blog activity, and my AHIQ project remains stalled. But, I am with the others in absolutely loving your circles. They are just so attractive! I have been eyeing my box of striped fabrics...back to them later, I think.

Lisa J. said...

I think in January we all get really excited about our visions of what we want to do and then reality sinks in .

em's scrapbag said...

This is coming along so nicely!

JanineMarie said...

These circles conjure up so many images for me--the sunset through thin clouds, planets, those paper lamp shades that thrifty people use to brighten a corner. The colors are so pleasing. January is flying. I'm in a rhythm and can't seem to stop--I think it's because it's too cold to go out, but the winter light inside from the sun on the snow is great for quilting!

Mary Marcotte said...

I'm loving them, too! I can't figure out how you get those circles so nice and even. The mix of stripes and solids is perfect! January's reality has kicked in for me...I went back to work and all sewing has slowed down to a crawl.

Mystic Quilter said...

Your circles are just wonderful - good luck with your idea for the weekend!

Stephie said...

Superb, Kaja! I absolutely love them. I can't wait to go back and find out more. And as for January - don't mention it, I seem to have missed it entirely. Barely any sewing, rhythm or routine, but lots of stress and seasonal illness. Still, I'm trying to be positive- forwards, not backwards!

Monica said...

OMG, it's still only the 21st, Kaja! I'm not counting January out yet, but yes, there have been a lot of distractions here too. Your circles are looking great -- I love the continuity of the horizontal lines. Nice effect!

LA Paylor said...


Laney said...

This is looking GREAT!

the zen quilter said...

Oh, I LOVE this. It's amazing - can't wait to see the finished product!

Soma @ said...

It's always hard to get started after the holidays! I like the idea of focusing on the task in hand when I am feel overwhelmed. The circle quilt is looking beautiful. I like how it is unfolding. Have fun with it over the weekend.


Kate said...

Love the riot of colors balanced by the blues and greens. The month does seem to be speeding away.

Cathy said...

So you have two daily circle projects going on? Both totally awesome?

Yes, I know what you mean about where has time gone. I've been so tired after work lately that I barely get anything done anymore. It's been so cold here that I just feel like hibernating like a bear.

Lara B. said...

This quilt looks so fun and exciting Kaja! I'm already in love with it!
January is flying by here too and I have not sewn a stitch. You've set a good example for us all by not overwhelming yourself with all the "to dos" and focusing on the task at hand.