Sunday, 17 January 2016

Returning to the denim

I am slowly getting the next top in the queue ready for quilting, which is to say I'm making a back for it, but while I do that I'm getting on with the denim, which feels suddenly like an end is in view. Clearly this could be pie-eyed optimism, as the hand stitching can't be rushed, but  progress has definitely been made.

I have a big strip down one side that is pretty much blank still, but apart from that it feels like I am just filling in little bits here and there.  And it's Sunday, so onwards and upwards.


Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

I have so enjoyed watching this project grow :)

Carla A Few Of My Favorite Things said...

Wow! I guess being out of blogland for over a month I missed how large this has gotten. So many wonderful stitches and textures. It is turning out great!

Denise :) said...

Wow -- what a gorgeous piece of work this is! I can't wait (haha--I know you can't either) to see what it will look like when it's finished!! :)

CathieJ said...

This quilt had really grown. You had completed a whole lot of pretty stitching.

Jennie in GA said...

Such an interesting project with all of those lovely textured stitches!! Must be hard to stitch through the denim????

Shelina said...

Oh this is so beautiful with all your luscious stitches.

Karen in Breezy Point said...

Very fun piece--can't wait to see the finish!

The Cozy Quilter said...

The colours you have used really pop on the denim. Can't wait to see the finished project!

Anonymous said...

Kaja...this is coming along so beautifully :0) mari

Deb said...

This piece looks like so much fun, the hand stitching is just lovely and I look forward to the end result.

Jennifer said...

Love all your pretty stitches and their bright colors.

Nancy said...

This looks very time-consuming, but very fun! You didn't say how large the quilt is.

Nancy said...

I'm not really a no-reply blogger but aol's DMARC isn't compatible with blogger (I guess).
Nancy. (ndmessier @,

Mary Marcotte said...

Kaja, this denim seems to have taken a life of its own! It's getting huge! Love your hand stitching. I know I keep saying that but you seem to have such a knack for knowing exactly how much it needs or wants. Spread it all out again and take a pic, please. I want to figure out just how much it has grown.

Marly said...

This is such an interesting project. I love how you're adding texture with your hand stitching. It would take me decades to collect so much denim, let alone sew it!

Lara B. said...

The close ups of your stitching are spell binding Kaja! It makes me think about big stitch hand quilting regular jeans too... wearable works of art.

liniecat said...

That denim throw is wonderful, love the texture the stitches, the seams and differing denims give to it. Gosh I bet that's heavy to work on too but oh so worth it!

Mystic Quilter said...

You've done so much beautiful stitching here Kaja, it's a joy to see.

Ellen said...

Lots of detailed stitching - it is a wonderful project!