Tuesday 22 December 2015

Cats looking at the stars

I don't think anything has ever come together as fast as these cats.  I sewed together the blocks I posted yesterday.

Then made some little stars to fill in the gaps and added another cat and another big star to the right hand side.

Then one last star,some more triangles and the two last cat blocks and I have this,which I am pretty happy with. Now I'm taking it to back to whence it came, to see what the verdict is and what happens next.    Maybe they need a Jellicle Moon.

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This will be my last post before Christmas I think, but we'll back on 29th with the last AHIQ link up of the year, so I hope to see some of you there, and in the meantime happy holidays, one and all. 


VivJM said...

This is such fun - I absolutely LOVE it!
Happy holidays to you and yours x

liniecat said...

Looking fun and cheerful !

Libby in TN said...

Isn't it fun when inspiration and time to execute strike at the same time! You sound so much more upbeat over this one.

Ruth said...

I love it - it has a really friendly charm to it. Really like the blue cutting through all those warm colours!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

I hope the verdict is that the "client" is well pleased with the top!

Monica said...

It is fantastic, Kaja! As Yvonne says, I know they will be well pleased. :D

Happy holidays to you too!

Julie said...

Kaffe Kitties?

em's scrapbag said...

Enjoy your Christmas break! The cats are looking great! Nice job!

Ann said...

A lovely way to wrap up the year. These aren't Kaffe's cats to me. EPU Jellicle cats. (Sound it out. Won't she hate that. Might start preferring Mum.)

Stephie said...

Fabulous - and so fast...just what are you going to do with all these tops building up?!?! I really love this one, so colourful and starr. Have a wonderful Christmas Kaja, see you on the other side! X

Soma @ inkTorrents.com said...

The blocks have a candlelit feel to them! Warm and pretty. I am slowly signing off the web too :)

Happy Christmas, Kaja!!

liniecat said...

Just perfect! I love it, such a fun transformation

LA Paylor said...

it's so wonderful. I loved the cats. I would have just dithered but you got to work. It's ordered but random, that's a gift girl. Speaking of gifts I sent you something small. LeeAnna

Doris Perlhuhn said...

Wow Kaja, that is great. Love how it all comes together.
Merry Christmas to you.

Lara B. said...

What a delightful way to use the cats! You did more wonky stars too! Love the way this quilt top came together Kaja! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

Shelina said...

This looks like a fun quilt. Stars and cats together look great.

Quiltdivajulie said...

This one was meant to be -- love it!!

JanineMarie said...

Love your Jellicle Cats, and how the bright fabrics complement them. For some reason, I can still hear one of my daughter's friends reciting the poem in their third grade poetry recital years ago. I don't know why that particular one stuck with me, but your quilt has it echoing in my head again in her voice. I bet your mum (ahem, your ancient female parent) is thrilled with what you've done with her cats. I've been quiet in commenting lately. I guess going on a blogcation also meant going on a comment-cation, too, but that doesn't mean I haven't been watching your progress on this quilt and on your Quiet Quilt (which I do love--even if the repetition was trying for you). Happy New Year!

Mary Marcotte said...

You've really pulled this one together prettily, and I'm sure your ancient female parent (that is just too funny, btw) is going to be thrilled with it. If not, there's another ancient who will appreciate the Jellicle Ball you're having.
Happy 2016!