Tuesday, 29 December 2015

AHIQ - share your improv#4

Well, I am in the country and the wifi has been sporadic, which is to say that if the wind blows there isn't any!  This is mostly fine - it's not as if I was posting anyway and the catching up will be fun in a day or two.  I have been quietly quilting away, no finish yet but good progress has been made.  No photos though - I probably don't have long enough to upload them before I lose my connection.  Ann, on the other hand, is sharing a great new piece.  I'm guessing if you're here you may well have seen it already, but if not, it's well worth a look:


Libby in TN said...

Greetings, Kaja! I have nothing to post but am excited to say I received two improv books for Christmas -- one I've already read cover-to-cover -- and I'm so inspired I have to remind myself that I have other critical projects to finish first. I did fondle some fabric yesterday...

Monica said...

Well, enjoy the country anyway! Plenty of time to catch up later. :D

Lara B. said...

Enjoy your little break from blogging Kaja! I did not do any improv quilting, or much sewing at all in December, but hope to join the party in January.

Marly said...

I've just discovered this site, thanks to Lisa at sunlight in winter quilts, and would love to join in. I'm going to spend a couple of hours later today reading all your back posts to pick up some hints. Going out on a limb like this scares the heck out of me, but I'm ready for the challenge!

Mary Marcotte said...

Have a wonderful New Year's Day, Kaja and Ann! I decided to post my Building Blocks quilt...it's as improv as I get. I guess it counts as improv: I started, added to, divided into two, and just generally made it up as we went along.