Monday 14 December 2015

Quiet quilt - done for now

I have to admit that I fell completely out of love with this quilt as it went along.  I love the fabrics, like the idea, but those 9 patches took all the fun out of it for me, even though each one was different. It's a lesson for me: I'm just not cut out for too much repetition - I made myself do it, but it's not a road I will be walking along again in a hurry!  

But enough whingeing, it's done for now and I quite like it, but no more than that.  Maybe by the time I come to quilt it I will have warmed to it a bit more.

At least, to finish on a cheerful note, I tried something new with my fabric choices:  I have definitely enjoyed this quieter palette and think I will consider turning to these tones again at some point.


Libby in TN said...

Well, you know I love it so if it needs a new home .... Seriously, you deserve a star for creativity and another for sticking with it.

Charlene S said...

It reminds me of quilts my great grandmother made of protecting the mattress from the iron bed springs.

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

I like the gentle curves you added in so much, Kaja. They give the eye something to move around and examine in a nice gentle way that matches the calm and soothing tones you chose in the fabrics. I hope when the time comes to quilt it you will find renewed interested in the top.

Nann said...

What catches my are are the bits of "cocoa" among the "mint." It's a very soothing quilt, in terms of both color and design.

Paulette said...

This is a beautiful quilt, Kaja. There's just such a restful yet engaging vibe to it that I love.

KrisR said...

I simply adore this quilt! Nine patch is my most favorite block of all time - and I think what you've done with this is amazing.

I can't remember how I ran across your blog - and it was after you had started this 9 patch project so I don't know the history. I will though. I plan to go back and read prior entries to find out what your idea was at the start.

Stephie said...

Maybe you'll fall back in love with it when you start quilting - forget straight lines and go for circles or curves, something to help forget the tedium of stitching the 9 patches. I know exactly what you mean though - repetitive machine sewing makes me think I might as well be on a production line! Despite all that though you've made a fantastic quilt. It feels very different for you, both the colours and the design, and it was a wonderful adventure to follow along with you.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Let it rest a while - it is beautiful ...

The Colorful Fabriholic said...

I like it a lot - the palette, the random curves and scattered circles, the controlled improve nature of it, and the soft overall appeal. Maybe it will grow on you when you're not so closely involved in working on it.

Ann said...

This is such a soft, lovely top. Great colors, sophisticated design. You may want to think about this a while but I believe you will become recharged at some time.

Mystic Quilter said...

I find this a very restful quilt top Kaja and agree with other comments that perhaps the best way forward is to put the project on hold for a little while - revisit early in the New Year.

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

I like the top ; reminds me of misty quiet mornings : )

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Lynnwa said...

I think it turned out grand. I am like you though I don't like the repetitive nature of many block patterns. Long live improve! I learned to use more neutrals this year, I am a color person so this was new for me, but I did enjoy the journey and have become fond of them too in some

Lynnwa said...

I think it turned out grand. I am like you though I don't like the repetitive nature of many block patterns. Long live improve! I learned to use more neutrals this year, I am a color person so this was new for me, but I did enjoy the journey and have become fond of them too in some

Ruth said...

I like the larger curved sections added in and really like how it turned out. Repetition can take a lot our of you but it was worth the journey I think!

helenjean@midgetgemquilts said...

I love how this is turning out Kaja . The curves are great and I love the softness of the colours

Carli The Quilter said...

Kaja, this is really lovely, a kind of tone towards masculinity. Love it!!

Shelina said...

This turned out beautifully and does not look repetitive at all, although I understand that putting it together may have felt repetitive. I am planning a calmer quieter palette for my next quilt.

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Tonya Ricucci said...

I often get sick of a project once I know what it looks like and there's a slog coming up... but this is gorgeous and will be so amazing to quilt. you'll love it again.