Monday, 7 December 2015

Losing count

Not really!  In fact I am constantly aware of where I am with this one.I have just completed my 8th 9x9, and I have two of the next set done too, so only seven more...

I have also done the circle for this set, but there's an electrician in my  room right now, fixing the light, so no photos. (The last couple of weeks I have had to stop when it got dark, which some days seems to be straight after lunch!)

I am also making a circle for the last set of 9 patches, as this is all I have left of the striped fabric.  Once the circles are made I can use the last scraps for filler strips without worrying I will run out.

And, since this is Monday, it's Design Wall time over at Patchwork Times.


Janie said...

Lots of design decisions going on here, isn't it fun, always an adventure.

Ann said...

It's good to see your various projects. I'm hand sewing circles in the evenings while we're traveling and enjoying the many exciting sites.

Stephie said...

Ha!! You're so right, I left a friend at 3.30 yesterday and felt like a mole squinting my way home! Love the way this one's building so quickly - and only 7 more to go :D

LA Paylor said...

is this part of the larger one you showed a couple posts back? It is so reflective of your set of Sunday photos of architecture in line and color

Shelina said...

I really like the fabric choices and the soft harmony they have together. You're making such great progress - 8 already!

Soma @ said...

You are working with some beautiful prints. Wonderful progress, Kaja!
