Wednesday 15 October 2014

That slow phase...

Yup, that's where I am right now.  The right hand side of this came together fast, but this is taking me longer.  No problem with this for me, as the waiting game entails lots of cups of tea and pottering about while I let it all simmer.  

So this is just a quick picture of what it looked like at some point today.  Doesn't look like that now but my camera battery is flat!  It is good enough for the time being though.

Linking up with Lorna and Lee.


Judy@Quilt Paradigm said...

This is going to be fabulous!! Sometimes simmering is what a quilt needs to do ;) I have been known to put quilts in time out haha

Mary Marcotte said...

Can't wait to see it finished! I love a simmering quilt and a cup of tea. That's probably it: your little birds really just want to have a bit of tea with you before they fly away.

Lorna McMahon said...

Love where this is going, Kaja! Sounds like you are enjoying the process. And that's the main thing! Looks beautiful!