Tuesday 22 May 2018

AHIQ - share your improv #33

Not much piecing has gone on here in the last few days, though there has been plenty of other sorts of sewing.  I am taking a brief pause from the current project; I like it well enough but keep having an urge to shove in something really unexpected, like huge swathes of pink, so I'm leaving the poor thing in its box until I've got myself under control and have some sense of what I'm doing.

In the meantime though, I am quilting for all I'm worth.  Another week, maybe two, and my little Findhorn piece should be done.  
I had forgotten how quickly a small piece seems to move towards completion - I rather like it!


Quiltdivajulie said...

Ummm, Kaja -- the linky business isn't working. I linked at Ann's but it doesn't show here.

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

You are making great progress on the quilting. Good luck getting the urges under control for your new project, that or it will be fun to see what you add next time. ;)

Shelina said...

The texture of your quilting adds so much to the quilt. I don't have any improv quilts in the works at the moment - still working on On Ringo Lake.

audrey said...

So very lovely! The texture is sublime.:)

Lisa J. said...

I wonder if you will end up with pink in it anyways. Your quilting on this one is looking awesome.

patty a. said...

I have nothing to show this month since all I have been doing is making boxy pouches although I did get my JB quilt top pin basted.

Quilter Kathy said...

Thanks for the giggle this morning... leaving the poor thing in the box until you're under control...hilarious! LOL
Love the quilting photos... the texture is delicious!

liniecat said...

Well if pink is pushing to get in - me thinks it will find a way lol
Good luck!

Janie said...

Great hand quilting, Kaja.
Thanks for hosting AHIQ with Ann.
Always fun to see what everybody's up to.

Mystic Quilter said...

I shall be waiting with bated breath for your next posting of your "boxed" work in progress! Love how the quilting is coming along on Findhorn.

Sandy Panagos said...

Okay, I really need to do more with this whole Improv thing. You're work is motivating me more and more.

Mary Marcotte said...

Oh, Kaja, such an inspiration!

Ann said...

Your closeup photos are so lush and they highlight direction changes as well as how you're adding rays of quilting as you move outward on the arcs.