Friday, 18 May 2018

Bigger, smaller, quieter

Today I decided that I'd make some blocks with less contrast.
And here's what they looked like mixed in with my first batch
I'm not making big decisions, but I like to lay stuff out when I've been sewing for a bit and have a play - sooner or later I'll like something enough to keep it.  This version seemed a bit too regular, so I had another go.
I wanted to make one or two bigger blocks, but haven't for the entirely mundane reason that the phone book I am using for backing papers has really narrow pages and I couldn't find anything else. So I made a few smaller ones, just for the heck of it.


Janie said...

The colors work well together and you've got lots of possibilities.
It's starting to warm up.

Mystic Quilter said...

As my Mum used to say "good things take time"!

Shelina said...

I'm not used to foundation piecing, but can you butt up or overlap the pages so you can make bigger blocks?

O'Quilts said...

so exciting...another adventure with you

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

I like the mix of values you have in the blocks, and I hope you find some bigger paper to give a few larger blocks a go!

Quiltdivajulie said...

Like the addition of lighter blocks. Let the smaller blocks create a larger block visually?

Soma @ said...

I like the mixed tones in this one. Have fun playing.


patty a. said...

I like the lighter blocks. They mix in well with the others you have made so far.

Sandy Panagos said...

Fun, fun, fun!