Friday 11 May 2018

I love a nice shirt

I don't know if it's something to be celebrated or lamented but  where once I had specific clothing shops I loved (in the days when I visited bricks-and-mortar shops for clothing), then favourite online quilt stores, nowadays it's the British Heart Foundation second-hand shop gets my heart beating that wee bit faster.  In short, there's little I like better than a nice shirt and more specifically, a nice shirt that I can chop up.  

Yesterday morning I went hunting for something to throw into the mix for this latest quilt-to-be and this is what I found. It's hard to tell in the pictures but the second one is a pale grey-blue with a nice sandy stripe and the third is almost exactly the same shades of mint and brown as the shirt I had already pulled.  
The bronze one on the left may or may not fit into this quilt, but I like the colour a lot, and honestly, when it's only £3 for a whole shirt, why would I leave it behind?

So now I have to focus on where to start.  A lot of the ideas that have been floating around my head recently have been circles/curves again, but given that the Charley Harper fabric has big dots I'm thinking this might be overkill, so I'm playing around with other possibilities.  I don't want to be too uptight about it but would like to stretch that print as far as possible, without cutting every swallow in half, so squares or vertical strips make the most sense.  
For the moment I am just looking at things on the floor, but eventually I'll have to take the plunge and cut something.  Maybe on Monday.


Kat Scott said...

That dark blue tiny check shirt has stolen my heart.... :). I made an awesome haul in shirts the other day when a second hand shop had their semi-annual bag day.... $15/bag - all you can stuff in a grocery bag... - which by the way happens to be about 15 XL Mens dress shirts! Whee!!

Janie said...

Yes, Kaja, the arranging and planning is exciting.
Your choices have a story to tell.
I get a spring vibe looking at them.

Mary Marcotte said...

My favorite is that yellowy gray next to the Charley Harper fabric. It has a hand-dyed look to it and just seems to work with the focus fabric. Of course, you always pull interesting fabrics that I would question...and they work beautifully. Can't wait to see what you "chop" into.

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Lovely shirt additions! Shopping sounds like a really fun experience, and those prices are certainly hard to argue with. :)

Sandy Panagos said...

Looks like you've made a good start. The yellow grunge looks good in there.

liniecat said...

Those birdies would make a lovey centre/off centre, in a log cabin block to be sure lol

Paulette said...

Love the new shirt stash, as well as the Charley Harper fabric, etc. Oh, the possibilities! Excited to see where this one goes.

Shelina said...

It is an exciting fabric pull for sure. Our thrift stores tend to be pricey but they did just open a by-the-pound (weight) one that I am afraid to enter for the time being!

JanineMarie said...

I like that “layout.” I’m so into simple lately, and I like how the birds look in the rectangular log cabin. But I know you will do something awesomely unexpected. It’s really neat that you have found a favorite source for your found fabrics.

Judy said...

What a nice find! I'm with you on loving thrift stores-you never know what neat thing you'll find to bring home. Have fun!