Wednesday 9 May 2018

New beginning

Off I go again. Though I am trying to prioritise the hand quilting and some non-quilting stuff, I have squeezed in half an hour to play with fabric.   I had in my mind a very pretty pale green and pink combination that Audrey has been working with, but my stash didn't yield anything very helpful.  I did find these two shirts, which my sister gave me for Christmas (yes, for chopping up; I wouldn't be so churlish as to cut into them if they were meant for wearing).
So I've got mint green, but no pink.  Then, rooting through my boxes I found  some Charley Harper.
Now it felt like I was getting somewhere.

So back to the boxes, to pull out things in the right colours: browns, greys, ochre, sand, and more minty greens.
 Here's a different view.
It's often the case with my first pulls that they are very pleasing on the eye but a little bit too nicely matched, and I think that's true here, but that dark brown with the little flowers introduces a little touch of a much deeper blue, which might be the answer.  Here's the same pull with a big piece of that deeper blue.
This, to my eye, has much more potential.  This is more yardage-heavy than I would ideally choose, so now I am going to let it stew for a day or two and maybe have a hunt around for one or two more shirts in the meantime.


Shelina said...

Looks like a great start for a new treasure!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

That Charley Harper print is perfection for coordinating with the shirts. I do like the pull with the dark blue in the mix. I look forward to seeing what additional shirts you find and where this takes you.

Kat Scott said...

fascinating journey where our fabrics lead us!

Janie said...

How exciting, Kaja, another adventure beginning.
And to what new vista are you taking us to?

audrey said...

I do love gathering fabric stacks and dreaming of all that lovely potential! It's funny that you would be looking for the pale green/pink combination similar to mine as I was thinking it wasn't enough depth by itself! It's hard for me to work with pink as the inherent 'sweetness' factor easily trips me up. I do love your light, mellow tones to this fabric pull though. Somehow you always make it work so well!

Soma @ said...

I find this part very exciting, picking out the colours and the prints. You have a lovely mix of warm and cool colours there.


patty a. said...

That is a nice combination of colors, stripes and prints. That Harper fabric is wonderful and will make a lovely focus fabric. I am interested in how you decide the way you are going to cut and sew these together.

Linda said...

I really like what you have done here...and came at a perfect time...have a couple shirts that I have already cut up and thinking what to do with them...was thinking I hiad to use all shirting. Now I’ll compare with my stash and see what makes sense! Thanks for your post! Linda

liniecat said...

Loving this fabric mix! Loving the birdy fabric especially : )

Sue McQ said...

Some of my most favorite color. Harmonious. Blessings.

Mary Marcotte said...

Don't you just love when the fabric practically picks itself out? You start with a piece or two, add a lovely print, then coordinate with the print and before you realize it, the fabric has decided. How does it know?