Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Changing plans

Finally some actual sewing is taking place here.  Mind you, what is happening is not at all what I was expecting. I spend a fair old time playing around with my sets of strips but nothing was sparking for me.  I know what my problem was: I couldn't get far enough away from the Union Jack.  While I'm taking my colours from the flag and probably some other bits, I don't want to be making copies, even improv ones.

So I fiddled around and looked back through my notebook and mind kept coming back to circles.  Bit of a theme going on still.  I have a couple of teeny doodles that I have been meaning to play with at some point and decided to see where they took me this morning.  (I'll take a photo of the doodles and post next time).

I got this:

I'm not sure this is quite what I want either, and it seems maybe a bit boring, but for now I'm going to keep heading in this direction. 

I might have kept going for a bit,but then this happened...

Yes, I could shift him, but experience suggests he would be happy to play that game for a lot long than I could take,so I am being grateful for the time I got and giving in gracefully today.

Linking up with Lorna for Let's Bee Social.


Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

I definitely enjoy the evolution of your projects. I have a feeling the initial strips will find a way to get worked into the mix somehow. :)

Janine @ Rainbow Hare said...

I like the arrangement with the quarter circles. And your cat is very pretty :)

Linda @ kokaquilts said...

I like your colours, and I like the 1/4 circle effect - but I somehow think you have more in mind! Look forward to seeing how this progresses...

Mary Marcotte said...

That 1/4 circle is looking good, but I know there's more fiddling to come, so I'm going to keep watch. Your improv is always so interesting to follow!

Mystic Quilter said...

The mix of fabrics you have are looking so good in both quarter circles, waiting to see what comes next!

Janie said...

It doesn't look boring! You have a great sewing machine, it looks like one of those coveted types.
Your cat looks very smart too.