Monday, 22 August 2016

Wise after the event

Do you ever make something and then think "this would have been so much easier if I hadn't done x/or had done y?" Well that's where I am today.  I've been so desperate to achieve even a tiny bit of sewing before my head explodes and that I have done.  I have one circle-y block that I am happy with (it looks like there are horrid creases but that's just where the cat slept on it; it looks fine when it's ironed).

Unfortunately I've now got an inkling of something I might want to do that I've made a whole lot harder by not thinking just one tiny step further ahead.  I may try it anyway or I may just grind my teeth and wait a week or two and then sew in a calmer atmosphere.

A reminder, too that it's AHIQ link up tomorrow, for all those of you who are managing to sew through the summer.

Linking up today with Love Laugh Quilt and Patchwork Times 


Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Oh, lovely evolution! I hope that there is some solution that keeps from teeth grinding. :)

Cathy said...

Good luck! I like what you ended up with Looks kind of like part of a sundial. I always grind my teeth when I try improv!!! I thought it was a side effect as well as lots of ripping.

Mary Marcotte said...

Cathy, your response is funny because it describes my improv so well. Thanks for the giggle.

Kaja, you don't grind your teeth, unless it's when you're not allowed improv. You're such a natural. Look at that block! It's so interesting and, let me tell you, it looks difficult. Too many tiny pieces, odd angles, and curves. If there's an easier way, maybe you should go for it. Who is going to know which ones are easy/difficult? Some of these blocks in a quilt would look fantastic. I'm excited to see this one develop.

Ruth said...

I grind my teeth in my sleep and have forked out for a bite guard! I think maybe valium or a hot chocolate before bed might be better! Hope you find a calm space while you are working out the next step!