Wednesday 31 August 2016

My mind is moving faster than my fingers today!

Since Sunday I've managed one more quarter circle block.I don't plan to devote a post to each and every one; they'll all start to blur after a while- but since I'm not that productive still, here is the latest pic.

Up till now I've just been doing what I fancied each time, but pretty I'll have to start thinking a bit more about how I want them to join up.  Next thing on my list is to make some little crosses that I might be able to use as fillers.

On another tangent, I am thinking about Sherri Lynn Wood's #makedoquilt challenge on instagram.  You have a year to make a quilt, using only scrap and/or recycled fabrics.  I know, yes I really do, that I have enough going on already, but my 365 days of circles finishes at the start of November which (heaven help me) isn't that far off now and that would make space for another project, maybe...probably.  I'm not doing much now except pondering my existing stash of second-hand clothing to see what I already have.  Right now, I like this lot, though there's also a very flowery pile that's calling my name...

Linking up with Sew Fresh Quilts today for Lets Bee Social.


the zen quilter said...

This r,w & b looks really great . Can't wait to see the entire thing...

Monica said...

Some lovely fabric in your block, there. That blue on the bottom is gorgeous!

Mystic Quilter said...

Another lovely looking block - and I'll be airing to see the progress over the year of your challenge quilt!

Quiltdivajulie said...

I've been eyeing that challenge - I have a large box of shirtings rescued from my son's closet when he was cleaning out a while back . . . and goodness knows I have scrap fabric to work with!

Your rwb blocks are so much fun -- I enjoy seeing the different photos.

Kate @ Smiles From Kate said...

Oh Kaja I do love your latest circle blocks, I've just been reading all your posts about them. One thing about you is you are never predictable and produce some wonderful and original work, I so love to read about your progress.

JanineMarie said...

Oh, Kaja, I think a makedo quilt would be just the thing for you. Okay, I'm a quilt enabler, I know, but those second hand clothing pieces look like they are aching to form a quilt together. Of course, I haven't seen the flowery pile, and I'd probably say the same about that. What's wrong with two quilts? I'm enjoying your red, white and blue quilt. It is so different from the color combinations I usually see here, which makes it really intriguing to see where it takes you.

Lara B. said...

That is a very good looking pull from your stash of second hand clothing! It never hurts to plan what you hope to do, right? :)

Mary Marcotte said...

Oh no, not another interesting challenge! How will you keep yourself in check? Well, I guess you could just not worry about being in check and have a blast with all of it. You have to admit the block on the bottom is interesting and is singing its siren song just for you. :-) This r/w/b quarter is pretty and will go so well with the others. My favorite part (I think) is the little points that randomly show up. What a smart motif!