Wednesday 10 August 2016

Considering the next move

I've done about two weeks now without piecing, just working slowly on bits and pieces, but now my brain is starting to itch. I don't anticipate being quick off the starting blocks with the next project but I have the germ of an idea I'd like to play around with so after I mowed the lawn this morning I used this an excuse to sit quietly and look at fabric.  Normally, I should say, I don't need a rest after lawn mowing, but my mower died yesterday halfway through the job and I had to do the rest with an old-fashioned, human-powered push mower.

Anyway...this is what I have pulled.  

I'm not sure if I've got this quite right yet: it probably needs one or two things added, one or two taken out.  Still it's something to be going on with.

Linking up with Let's Bee Social today.


Gretchen Weaver said...

Whatever project you choose will be pretty with these fabrics. Blessings, Gretchen

Ruth said...

Fair play to getting the grass done push power style! I'd probably hop in the car and head to B&Q!! Looking forward to seeing your germ of an idea develop!

Bonnie said...

Impressive that you can and did push a mower around to get the lawn cut. Hopefully you can get the other mower repaired so you can speed up the process and have more quilty time next month. The R, W, and Blues look great. It'll be fun to see what you come up with.

JanineMarie said...

Ooh, I know push mowing is hard work, but you just brought me back to when that was the only kind of mower we had, and I loved listening to the sound as my husband mowed our little yard. I doubt that he's nostalgic for it. I've been haphazard about blog reading lately (summer slows), but I just looked back at your posts and saw that your Walls quilt is done. I love it!! I just also realized that we don't often get to see your quilt backs until the quilt is done. It's fun for me to see them as I'm often as much drawn to a back as to a front. Is there anything special about your process of planning backs? Just wondering since I love hearing your process in developing the fronts. Looking forward, as always, to your newest project.

Shelina said...

These are lovely RW&B fabrics. Very patriotic.

Janie said...

Mowing the lawn can be a good time to plan and plot out projects, I think.
When I'm dusting I'm thinking!

Mary Marcotte said...

I like Janie's idea of dusting and thinking...except that I hate dusting. Maybe this would make less tedious and boring. Anyway, your fabrics are lovely together. I can't believe that you're beginning a new quilt with all the tops that you have lined up. I'd want to get those started, but the quilting is my favorite part!

cspoonquilt said...

Looks like it's shaping up to be red, white and blue?! Always a great color combo! I especially like the nautical flags print. Something about the light blue instead of white makes it really nice! A good start, Have fun!

apiecefullife said...

Red, white and blue.... Tricolour? Stars and Stripes? Union Jack. I look forward to seeing what's next.

helenjean@midgetgemquilts said...

I think I'd have left the push mowing to the husband ! Love the fabric pull