Saturday, 28 May 2016

Saturday photos #65

I know there have been a lot of flowers from me recently but it's a lovely day again, and sooner or later it will rain for a month and I'll be back indoors so I'm making the most of this while I can.


Julierose said...

Just beautiful flowers--love those rich colors...hugs and Happy Memorial day

Unknown said...

I love flowers. Your flower is beautiful. I enjoyed them. The Dehumidifier HQ

Janie said...

The colors are delicious, can I ask what camera you're using?

Stephie said...

I love the aquilegia! They're spreading themselves like weeds in my garden at the moment. Much like the nettles, brambles and hogweed :/

liniecat said...

Keep posting, those colours are divine and yes, there are grey clouds rolling overhead here even now!

Mystic Quilter said...

Yes, please keep posting - these photos are a ray of sunshine as we head quickly into Winter!!

Soma @ said...

I love purple flowers! Thank you for the smile :)


Cut&Alter said...

Just gorgeous!! What is the flower top left? It is stunning.