Sunday 29 May 2016

Next quilt in the hoop

Lots of handwork for me this week: my second walls quilt has been backed, pinned and is in the hoop...
I really need to come up with a name for this one: I've just been calling it Walls 2, and often my WIP name for a quilt sticks in the end, but I don't like this one at all.  

I'm also doing the daily circles - six done so far, two to do today to keep up-to-date.  Here's one:


Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Hmmm... I've been puzzling over a name for a while and here are some thoughts: building a wall happens one block, one stone at a time much like a quilt is made one stitch at a time. So playing off that kind of though, maybe names like Stones and Stitches, Layers, Stacks, One at a Time, etc.

Stephie said...

It sounds like you've 'hit a brick wall'... I'd say this quilt is stonewalling you and refusing to communicate! Oh dear. I'll stop now. I love your circle. I really need to get back on track, with everything. I can't believe you're onto quilting another quilt already and I'm still jealous, mwaaaa!

Rachel said...

Love the colors! What about Building Blocks or Brick by Brick? Something that speaks to the process of building a wall?

Quilter Kathy said...

So glad you had another quilt to put in the hoop right away... wouldn't want to be stuck without one!
I had some fun thinking of wall ideas...
Just another brick in the wall
I've hit the wall
If these walls could talk
Breaking down walls

Mystic Quilter said...

Love the suggestions from Quilter Kathy, especially her first idea! Great colours and love the small piece of stripe in there.

CathieJ said...

I like the colors of that quilt. Sorry, but I don't have a idea for the name.

Lara B. said...

You have some entertaining suggestions for names here Kaja, LOL. I love seeing the close up of your faced circle with your wonderful hand stitching.

Janie said...

I love your hand quilting and stitching!

Soma @ said...

Your hand quilting is so tiny and pretty, Kaja! You could always change the 2 to Roman numeral II :)
