Wednesday 11 May 2016

First steps

Well this is a new thing for me - free piecing and I've learned a thing or two already.  I have, of course, a rough idea of what I want to try, so now it's all about seeing whether that works or not.  I have drawn a couple of little sketches and, having read and reread Julie's book, I wrote a note to myself "remember not to start too small".  This in itself has result in a slight level of discomfort, since my natural inclination is to veer towards small, but I am sticking with it, even though there's a niggling worry I will end up with something sort of clunky and ungainly.

Here are pictures of the day so far:

I'm guessing you can see where I'm going with this.

Linking up with Lorna at Sew Fresh Quilts today.


Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

I have the opposite tendency, to go too big. :)

Cut&Alter said...

Hmmmmm - interesting! Like you I go small.

Lara B. said...

Being pushed out of our comfort zones is good for us, right? LOL

Janie said...

It helps me to start with a theme in mind then I go from there, variations on a theme.

Mary Marcotte said...

Clunky? Is that the result of using too many big pieces or pieces the same size? LOL Keep going, you have some interesting pieces already. And no, they are not clunky.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Not clunky -- not at all. If you have questions as you work, email me!

Soma @ said...

When I am trying something new, it is always unnerving for me at the beginning. I say keep going!


Cathy said...

A lighthouse is an excellent idea! So far I'd say so good.

Stephie said...

What's "free piecing"? I thought that's what I did - i.e. just cutting it up as I go along? Some interesting shapes you've got there...