Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Bordering on a finish

I'm working hard now: both on the piecing of these circles and on my quilting.  Today I pieced another run of squares for the top, bottom and left hand side, so just the right side to go.  I'm pretty sure that will be it. 

Having said which, I laid it out with a little gap between the existing section and the new bits, so that you could see what I was adding and I kind of like that little gap.  Now I'm wondering about finding a fabric to add in there to retain in. This may be too much fiddling about for me - depends entirely when I do it - or may not look that great when I come back to it, but I am pondering.

Need to make that last strip first though.


Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

I like the way this is growing!

Cut&Alter said...

I think it would look nice with a thin strip to separate those last borders you've done. So close to a finish now!

Mary Marcotte said...

So close, yes, but those shirt fabrics lighten it up so that I'm thinking maybe...

I do like the new bits and tiny bits of yellowy-orange, which I had not noticed before. I wonder why? It's such a nice piece and, though there's lots going on, the monochromatic color scheme is very calming.

Libby in TN said...

I like the look. From the picture I thought you had already added the inner border before I read the blog. It may be fiddley, but worth it.

Lara B. said...

A gap there looks dynamic and would be perfect Kaja! You definitely can take on fiddly and win.

Béa said...

Very very beautiful !

Beth @ Cooking Up Quilts said...

It will look so good no matter what you decide. I like the idea of adding some thin strips, it adds an element of surprise that you don't expect. :)

Sue said...

Support for thin inner borders...but it looks quite good without, too. Trust yourself!

Paulette said...

The fun is in the fiddling! Fiddle away! This is such a beautiful piece. I look forward to seeing how it ends up.

Janie said...

It's looking good, thanks for sharing progress.

Ann said...

I like the little gap, too. Isn't it fun how that came about? It's such a treat to see quilts progress. Thanks for sharing so many steps.

Soma @ inkTorrents.com said...

Looks great and I like that gap too! A thin solid colour inner border, perhaps?!


Shelina said...

I like the gap too. Maybe audition a red or orange there?

Stephie said...

I love the borders! They look great without the circles. I reckon whether you choose to add a gap or not, the borders will stand out for that reason alone. Looking good :)