Sunday 24 January 2016

An end in sight, maybe...

I think I might be nearing the end of this denim piece.  As you can see there's quite an area on the left hand side still to cover, but maybe another couple of weeks...

Looking at this picture I can see there are quite a few places where I have started, then been interrupted and have never gone back, so there'll definitely be some filling in of gaps to be done.  

I've found something to use on the back, though I'm not really sure how I'm going to do that at the moment - I want to keep the wonky shape but that's not as easy as if I had squared it all up.  I'm sure I'll work something out.

Also, a reminder that the first AHIQ link up of 2016 goes live on Tuesday - do come and share your improv quilting.


Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

Enjoy continueing on with this fun and lovely project today! :)

Ann said...

Interesting to watch this develop. I usually square the edges up but am looking forward to your solution.

Quilter Kathy said...

Maybe those place were meant to be left as is?
Such a fun adventure creative an improv piece with slow stitching!

Mary Marcotte said...

Oh, what about a turned backing? You won't need binding and adding batting is optional should it be heavy enough from the denim. That pink really perks up the blues.

Mystic Quilter said...

I'm pleased you're keeping that lovely shape and that's good advice from Mary above, I used the turned backing method and worked beautifully, admittedly mine was a much smaller piece and not as heavy as the denim.

Monica said...

It's amazing how you see things in the photo that you missed in real life! That happens to me frequently. :D

I had the same idea as Mary, for a turned backing. I usually call it a pillowcase binding, but really, "turned backing" is more descriptive. Anyway, looking good!

audrey said...

This is such a YOU quilt! Love that wonderful stitching. Hope you can figure out how to keep the wonky shape too. It really adds to the quilt!

Shelina said...

There is a scrap quilt at this blog that reminded me of your project. Scroll down to see the pictures under Boro from Kyoto, and be sure to read the description that goes with it.

Turid said...

This is so inspiring, and I love it. You can finish it, and still work with it.

Cathy said...

I would think it would be pretty easy to cut the backing same as the front and shouldn't be difficult to bind around it then depending upon what you will use for backing. That little notched area on the top left kind of bothers me, though...just me.

I have a denim crazy quilt with embroidery and used flannel on the back and just sewed the two together right sides together leaving a place open to turn right side out. (Maybe that old thing is what I'll post for AHIQ!)

Lisa J. said...

It's great that you are nearing the finish. I'm excited to see it all completed.

Lynnwa said...

I love this, what is going on the back? Inquiring minds want to

Lynnwa said...

I love this, what is going on the back? Inquiring minds want to

Stephie said...

The pink filler pieces really capture my eye in this quilt, I love the way they seem to make my eye go round in a spiral. The embroidery detail was inspired!