Saturday, 19 September 2015

Saturday photos #40

40 photo posts - how did that happen?  I'm thinking of changing this a bit some time soon, before the ideas run dry, but in the meantime here's today's.  When we were young my mum used to quote poetry all the time and this week Keat's Ode to Autumn has been popping into my head: "seasons of mists and mellow fruitfulness", so that's what I've gone with here, though not so much of the mist.

On a related note, about a year ago I was considering buying a camera but decided I would push my current one (relatively simple point and shoot, small, easy to carry and a beautiful shade of bright blue) to its limits first, to be sure any purchase made sense.  As the light changes I am revisiting this idea, as the little camera really can't deal with low light, or the light you get low in the sky at this time of year.  I'd be interested to know if anyone has any recommendations.


Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

What a lovely late summer sliding in to fall collage! :)

Mary Marcotte said...

I can't help, at all, with the camera problems, but I can tell you that this composition is gorgeous! I love the burgundy reds and greens of fall.

Stephie said...

Kim's putting in a request for a new camera for his birthday/Christmas... (he's really into photography), so I'll ask him which one he's after! Love those res hips :)

Lisa in Port Hope said...

I have the Nikon D5300. Get the best body you can afford, and a basic lens, and you can always add more lenses later. I find it's great to be able to play with ISO and f-stop, etc. My point and shoot (Pentax) will do some of that too, but only after a million menu screens, as opposed to the DSLR which is more immediate. And it has its own wifi. I also found the menus and buttons more intuitive than the Canon.

Soma @ said...

Such beautiful, vibrant colours, Kaja! Ode To Autumn indeed!
