Friday, 18 September 2015

Considering my options

I've been playing around with fabric, trying to decide what I want to do next. At the moment I've pinned up two completely different sets to see if anything sparks my interest.  The first lot is based on two or three half yards of different yellows.  I'm not sure why but I have a niggling idea that I might like to make a yellow quilt.

My selection started like this:

Then I added in some other bits.

 I like all these fabrics and I like the idea of a yellow quilt, but it's not happening for me here.  Back to the drawing board on this one I guess.

In the meantime what about this lot?

The two fabrics on the top left (the stripe and the white and grey floral) appeared next to each other as I scrolled through the black and white section of an online fabric store.  Something about the juxtapostion of the very modern graphic lines and the old-fashioned print appealed to me, so I bought them both.  Maybe it's their turn now.  Or maybe I'll mull it over and do something completely different.  The jury is out at the moment but option 2 is definitely calling my name more than option 1.


JOY @ said...

Your process is very interesting. Most importantly it makes a lot of since and gives freedom. I like it and most certainly will give it a try as I have lot's of scraps. I've scrap pieced as I go, but I see I should try laying them out first.

Skootchover said...

Looks like autumn is calling to you. I don't ever think to pull fabric and lay it out like this. I like the preview of the movement it gives you.

Janie said...

Thanks for sharing, that's what I like about your blog, You let us in on your choices and problem solving. That to me is the fun part, the 'What if?' and the 'Aha!'

Mary Marcotte said...

I'm loving that second set of fabrics. Tell you what: send them over here and I'll niggle with them a little more. Of course I'm teasing over the word. I know what it means from the context, but it's not a word I've heard or read before (and I read!) It's so much fun to read your writing. I imagine your voice and smile every time.

You're having a yellow spell--I can feel it. First the yellow group, then those lovely gray and yellow fabrics. Just give in, you know you want to!

Lara B. said...

It's funny - I was just having a yellow spell as I looked for fabrics for baby clothes to make for our granddaughter Eden.
Kaja, I like your first mix, but the second combination made my eyes light up! Love the combination of design and color! I'd like to start a folder and begin collecting favorite color schemes. Could I add your picture?

VivJM said...

I really like the bottom set of fabrics & also enjoy the juxtaposition of a traditional fabric with a more modern one. I must admit I tend to decide on a pattern/process and then pull together fabrics for it but this idea of starting with a set of fabrics laid out is appealing and liberating too!

Ann said...

I like the last set, too. You remind me to take photos of the fabric pulls I start with.

Stephie said...

Option 2 is already looking more cohesive, but you can't beat a yellow quilt! Maybe you just need a break from the yellow end of the spectrum for a while after 'walls'? (I'm in LOVE with those grunge fabrics though...mmm must go shopping!)