Wednesday 31 May 2023

And done...for now

 All finished and heading off for the pile of tops still waiting to be quilted.

This is how it went. Lots of bits were not sewn at this point, because I was  trying to figure out that top left corner and the right hand side simultaneously.  When I laid out the bits on the right, I thought I was right down to the wire, in terms of remaining fabric.  I was hoping to be have enough squares and pinwheels to fill in all my spaces, but was still trying to keep an eye on how things balanced across the whole top. Lucky for me, I  found one last, biggish piece of shirt big enough to cut several chunks from and that presented me with a much quicker solution in that top left corner. It is a note to self - sometimes I only use a small amount of a fabric, because it seems to me to be having an oversized effect on the quilt as a whole.  That's fine, but I should really keep better track of where I put the left-overs! I would have been pretty fed up if I had only found that fabric after I'd finished piecing.

I also dug out one last curved piece which fitted in over on the right.  These two finds between them gave me just enough to stretch to a finish.

In the end I am very pleased with how this has turned out and that it ended up being what feels like a respectable size to me (roughly 60"x70", I think)


Anonymous said...

It's been so great to watch you work on this project. Thanks for sharing your process. I love the way it's turned out!

cityquilter grace said...

wasn't too sure about watching the process but like the finish!

Paulette said...

Well done!! There is so much to love about this quilt, from curved and pointy bits to pinwheels. So glad you found the exact amount of fabric you needed for the finish!

patty a. said...

It is a nicely balanced composition that looks totally random! That is hard to do and it is wonderful!

Julierose said...

Lovely finish on this curve=y beauty!! I like the soft colors in this one a lot...hugs, Julierose

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Oh, I think this turned out splendidly. I like that it has a disintegrating feeling from the top to the bottom and that the lighter colors seem to be grouped at the top and the darker at the bottom to ground it all.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Such a wonderful quilt top! Like you, I'm happy you found those extra pieces BEFORE you finalized the top - it would have been horribly aggravating to come across them later. Your process is so interesting to watch.

Linda @ kokaquilts said...

Looking good! I too like how the colours progress from dark up to the lighter values.

Janie said...

Lovely! Congratulations on a wonderful quilt top finish.
And you found that fabric bit that helped finish things up, what a relief.

Mystic Quilter said...

Congratulations on your amazing quilt top!! Didn't it work out perfectly! Sorry I've missed a few of the posts due to a nasty spider bite so only just catching up! I was able to write my first post a couple of days ago after 5 weeks!

audrey said...

Oh I just love how you managed to resolve this! And good job finding the last little bits of fabric that you needed. I especially like the top left corner, how those pinwheels add interest there. Really, really interesting quilt. Always glad that you take us along for the ride.:)

Ann said...

Those little pinwheels are my favorites. Well, perhaps the tiny sawtooth triangles. I love the way you mix various simple design elements into a complex pattern with circles. Masterful work resolving the value placement, too. And you used up all your fabrics. Always a plus although not a requirement. Isn’t it great to move stuff along/out? Congratulations.