Monday 12 June 2023

Off we go again

This is the next bundle of shirts. All bought one day in late March from an Age UK shop in an upmarket suburb of Nottingham. 

You can't tell from this photo, but the gingham-type check at the back is a pale purple.  the rest are pretty much as they look.

A first pass through my drawers resulted in a few options to bulk this out: a nice navy with a tiny white dot, a mid-blue with a Hawaiian vibe and some scraps of dark red.  They really are scraps, though, so while I'm not putting them away just yet, I won't be counting on them for much either.

My calculation is that I am a couple of shirts short, but that's fine. I'm going to make a start and worry about what else a bit further down the line.  

Not wishing to hang about, since sewing time is hard to come by, I ignored my original thought, which involved pinwheels and/or hourglasses and decided instead to go for something fiddly and time-consuming.  There's just no accounting for the way my mind works. 

Hmm. I'm not loving these right now.  I am okay with the general idea, but someone, in passing, said they look like dinosaur eggs and I just can't get that image out of my head.  I'm not going to give up though.  I am hoping that a little rejig of the proportions, otherwise known as a sneaky trim on one side, will sort things out. Let's see how that goes.


Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

The blocks look more like feet with sharp and spikey claws to me. It will be fun to see where the trimming and process takes you!

patty a. said...

The color palette you choose is lovely with some nice patterns. Your start is interesting.

audrey said...

Have been wondering how you make the spiky little points. Glad to see a close up version here.:) Such an interesting start to your quilt!

Ann said...

Yes. It’s good to see how you make those spikes. And it’s always a joy to see your first group of shirts and the fabric you pull from your stash. Thanks.

Mystic Quilter said...

Having never seen dinosaur eggs it would be difficult for me to comment! Good that you're saying you're not giving up, I always look forward to your posts showing the next step with your quilt process.

Janie said...

Fiddly and time consuming, yes, I see that. And what will happen next we wonder?
Great collection of fabric too!