Sunday, 14 May 2023


I am closing in on a finish now and have reached a point where my decisions are being driven mostly by the fabric I have left. In this spirit, I used a left-over quarter-oval to complete the big shape bottom right, but won't be making one for the gap on the left-hand side.  Cutting a big curve like that would be too wasteful of the fabric I have left, so I'll have to fill in the gap another way. 
Using a combination of pinwheels (made from my tiny scraps) and squares cut from any bigger pieces is, mostly, pleasing to my eye but is also a practical way to get the most from the fabric.  I'm so close to the wire now that I'm not losing any scrap into a seam allowance if I don't have to.   I have a couple of fabrics there is more off (the pale green and the darkest red stripe) but even those are going down quickly now.  In aesthetic terms, it doesn't seem to work if I have too much of that green in any one place so there is a constant juggling to stretch my fabric far enough without having to do something I find unpleasant to look at.
My current theory is that I will use more of my lighter bits top and right and concentrate the darker leftovers bottom and left, though of course there is a lot of crossover.  I think that I want to add a row of pinwheels top and bottom as well as on  the sides but will have to see if I can stretch that far.  

Although I am having to be so careful this quilt is sparking lots of ideas, so it's a satisfying process, figuring it all out.  I thought I might be done with curves for a bit by the end of this, but not I'm not so sure.  Maybe I will go again.


Julierose said...

I like how this is progressing for you; that tiny print is so great with the plaids and solids...hugs, Julierose

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

I like the way the placement of the lights and darks will really ground the quilt and give the top an airy feeling. Looks like you are really finding the sweet spot of joy in this puzzle now. I hope all your fabric bits stretch to a size finish you are happy with!

Mean Jean said...

I appreciate that you take the time to detail your thinking as you put this quilt together. It helps me to get my head around making a quilt from the limited and odd shaped pieces of shirts. I am impressed by the challenge of finishing the quilt with the limited bits of fabric you have left!

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

I love your work in progress, and the use of all the scraps from these pretty fabrics.

Quiltdivajulie said...

It is looking so good . . . your logic is solid . . . keep going!

Robin said...

It's always so interesting to me that making quilts require so many decisions. This is looking really great.

patty a. said...

I love how you are making the best of what you have and I think the quilt is looking fabulous!

Ann said...

I appreciate your explanations of your process. Working with a set amount of fabric is quite different and something I need to try myself. I love the color combinations as well as the mix of pinwheels and circles.

Janie said...

'Closing in on a finish' Good for you! Letting it unfold from the main idea and letting the fabric leftovers do the driving. Good plan, it's nice to get to that point.