Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Starting something new

For once I am starting something with a purpose, rather than just because I fancy it, as my lovely friend Sue has asked if I will make something particular, or rather with a particular theme in mind.  I have been mulling it over and have come up with a vague plan and a not particularly helpful little doodle, which I will share here once I find the cable to transfer it from my phone.  In the meantime, here are the shirts (yes, I'm still starting with shirts).
 And here are some of the fabrics that might go with them.
Of course some of these will probably be rejected along the way and others may be drafted in, but it's a start.

This still relates, loosely, to the AHIQ prompt around scale, as this does not need to be a monster quilt.  Let's see if I can manage something smaller, if not actually small.


patty a. said...

I think your shirts and fabric choices totally relate to the scale challenge! A larger plaid, a large and smaller stripe, a nice variation of tone on tone, and small prints. I think you have a great selection to start this next quilt.

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

I look forward to hearing more about the design goal and watching the new project evolve!

Robin said...

Love blue and yellow together, always have. You always come up with great things!

Janie said...

I like the stripes, plaids and small scale prints.
A purposeful theme, this will be fun to watch
unfold Kaja.

Ann said...

Good collection of fabrics to start. Love those plaids and stripes. This looks very French to me right now; like your last vacation, n'est pas?

audrey said...

Always love to see some good plaids come together in a quilt.:)

Quiltdivajulie said...

Oh this looks like great fun - and good luck with the keeping it smaller approach. I really like keeping mine lap size or less - SO much easier to handle.

JanineMarie said...

Beautiful palette and patterns! Since this is at the request of a friend, will you be consulting with her as you go or developing the design on your own?

Carli The Quilter said...

I do love this selection of fabrics. blue and yellow, so springtime like, perfect for the season!

vaiybora said...

I very much like your pattern it's beautiful,thank for sharing good i dea !
