Thursday, 22 March 2018

Pink-footed geese and other birds

A tiny bit of background for the latest project.  I have dear friends who have relocated to the far distant reaches of Scotland, more specifically a place called Findhorn Bay, which is both remote and beautiful.  It's also particularly important for the migrant wildfowl and waders it attracts and my task is to try and make a piece that references that. Since I haven't been there yet, I am relying on photos, but luckily there are plenty of those available

In my last post I mentioned that I had a little scribble I'd done when I started thinking about this new project.  You can see I was just doodling on the pack of a cardboard envelope.  Not very enlightening, I know, and of course where I end up may bear no relation to this at all, but it's a starting point.
I have started by printing bird names onto some of the fabrics I pulled, and then cut some wedge shaped bits to piece with.  I like this shape because it reminds me of feathers, of the spread of a wing, but also of the sun's rays.

Linking up with Linda and Julie for Sew Stitch Snap SHARE.


Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Oh, I love the detail behind this quilt. You are starting strong, and now I'm going to go follow the links you share to learn more. And I need to especially see this pink footed goose. :)

Janie said...

Good doodling, being able to doodle unlocks so many possibilities.
Bird wings and sun rays, great start.
And the water will be a big part of their lives won't it?

audrey said...

Wonderful start! I love starting with a good doodle.:)

Linda @ kokaquilts said...

Goodness what a great start, I can see feathers & shards of sun rays too! Thanks for sharing with 'sew stitch snap SHARE'

Quiltdivajulie said...

Oh my!!! This will be spectacular. -- looking forward to warchingbthis develop.

Ann said...

Great starting sketch. One of the things that impresses me the most about California is that it's such a major bird flyway, too. My sister lives near a crane flyway in the Rockies but coastal flyways are superhighways. So many varieties; all the time. I hope you get to visit Findhorn Bay soon.
Stamping bird names is coming along well and is a signature addition of yours.

Mystic Quilter said...

What a fantastic idea you've come up with! Definitely bird wings there and loved the names of the birds stamped on, this is going to be an exciting quilt!

patty a. said...

What a great idea of stamping on names of the birds. Get the quilt done and it will be a great excuse to take a road trip to visit!

Carli The Quilter said...

Thanks for sharing this awesome start to a quilt. Birds are very important and bring such joy to our lives. Love your "wings".

Marie said...

This looks like it's going to be lots of fun!

Soma @ said...

We wanted to stop by Findhorn Bay during our holiday there, but unfortunately ran out of time. You have a great start there! Looks fascinating!


Cathy said...

I doodle on whatever I can find when I get the urge. But I don't doodle anything so complex or wonderful. If something complex pops into my head then I go to pattern books and don't doodle.

Great idea. Great fabrics. Can't wait to see how you get there.

Sandy Panagos said...

It looks like a fun project. Incorporating the bird names is such a great idea!