Saturday, 31 March 2018

None of the above

There's nothing like writing a post all about making a fabric choice, sharing the options and then discarding them all and going with something completely different.  Actually, there is something exactly like that and I've just done it.  There were a couple of these fabrics  which I like a lot and really wanted to slide into this piece somewhere, but for the life of me I couldn't quite get to the point where I felt really, truly happy with any of them.  

Instead I used a piece of the stripy shirt fabric that's already in the quilt to join my two segments together, and then got on with looking at how the flying geese might work.  I got to this.


julieQ said...

Love your fun flying geese blocks...super fun!

Julierose said...

I like how this is coming together--especially that dark blue geese fabric--it adds a lot to he more muted colors ...hugs, Julierose

Mary Marcotte said...

And here I thought that you had to make the flying geese with the intent to curve. Looks like you have a much better idea to make them then do whatever you want with them. Do you think you'll have to cut very much to curve them? I'm sure the degree of circle makes a difference of how much they will be distorted (like that's a thing in improv). It seems that I do a lot of thinking went you make a quilt!

Quiltdivajulie said...

Oh, yes!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

It's looking really lovely, Kaja. Are the photographs what convinced you or how did you decided to switch fabric?

Robin said...

Thank you for this post. I've been looking at my own quilt and am starting to discard the whole crocheted doily thing. It's what I have been building the rest of the quilt around but it is just not working. I'm needed to hear that I'm not the only one who announces a decision and then reverses it. Can't wait to see what's next on your quilt.

Sandy Panagos said...

Looking good!

Lisa J. said...

It's pretty nice Kaja. That dark fabric with the dots of colour adds a lot of energy. It's fun.

Marly said...

I think that so far it's delightful some of those now rejected fabrics could very well make an entrance later and take us all by surprise. Incidentally that strip of yellow next to the "osprey" is just the colour of the Findhorn culinary speciality: Finnon haddock! Good choice!

Ann said...

I love the way your flying geese (and their fabrics) are laid out. Good choice to use a fabric already in the fans to unite them. So fun to see your choices and decisions. I look forward to the next installment.

O'Quilts said...

Wonderful blocks

helenjean@midgetgemquilts said...

again, I love the pops of yellow in this quilt. Yellow is not an easy colour to blend and contrast, nor pop out, but you always manage that.

patty a. said...

I love the scrappy complexity of this! That navy small print adds a lot of interest and brings the color scheme together.

Janie said...

A curve is thrown in!
The theme is being tested!
I'm staying tuned for more adventure.

liniecat said...

Inspired piecing!

Carli The Quilter said...

Gorgeous progress! Wow, my mind can see the possibilities!!