Saturday, 7 October 2017

Saturday butterflies

Ever since Ann and Cathy started their Kaleidoscope of Butterflies link up I have been trying to take pictures of butterflies, and with pretty poor luck, it has to be said.  While I was in France I got two great shots and then,naturally, completely forgot to link them up!  I've remembered now, though; better a month late than never.  


Shelina said...

Great coloring on both of them! They each chose good settings to be photographed in!

Monica said...

No, they're not easy to catch. But these are both great! They both have really interesting shadows, too.

Soma @ said...

I never have good luck with photographing them. Your photos are beautiful!


liniecat said...

I saw very few in my garden this year until mid to late September, just as the nights got chillier then had several each day but mostly cabbage whites and maybe 4 admirals and one more unusual brown patterned chap who I couldn't see his wing pattern clearly enough to identify. Lovely pics you've captured there :)

Lisa J. said...


Janie said...

Beautiful photos, Kaja, I'm glad you remembered them.

patty a. said...

So Beautiful! I have noticed more butterflies since I planted the lavender plants this summer.

helenjean@midgetgemquilts said...

I've been trying to take butterfly's photos for ages . Fiendishly hard though I did get some bee photos this year

Mystic Quilter said...

These two butterflies are gorgeous and they landed on the perfect backdrop for you!

Ann said...

How did I miss this post? These are lovely, Kaja. French butterflies are so polite to wait while you focus, aren't they?