Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Final circles done and dusted

Isn't it amazing what a little application can achieve? This is the last of the quilts that sprang from last year's Quilty 365 challenge (you can see the others here and here).

The back is pretty simple.

I started making one circle a day on 28th May 2016 and finished putting it together on 14th December 2016.  Quilting started on 8th September and I finished today, October 18th 2017.

It turns out to be the smallest I have made, at 50" square. I did spend a while thinking about ways to make it bigger but it felt done, and I'm still okay with that decision.  It's made from a pile of Oakshott charm squares and another pile of old shirts, wool wadding, hand quilted using a Madeira Lana variegated blue thread.  


Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Congratulations on finding the motivation to get to a finish so quickly this week! I like how the binding ties back in to the colors in the center of the quilt.

Julierose said...

Beautiful--I especially like that outer circle bordering the others--really pulls everything together so well...great work congratulations on a lovely finish....hugs, Julierose

Paulette said...

It's so pretty! Your quilting elevates it to another level of snuggly goodness. Congrats on the finish!

audrey said...

Oh Kaja! I just love this one, especially with all that wonderful stitching goodness you added. It's so vibrant and full of personality. I adore the wide plaid border and love that you sewed it together so that the weave changes directions. So make-do'ish and charming!

Quilting Babcia said...

Lots of charming little personal touches here, from the variety of plaids and their placement, to that sweet little bird fabric on the back. A great finish for your Quilty 365 adventures! I wish mine were done but it is king size and languishing in the hoop at the moment ...

Mary Marcotte said...

I just realized that the nine-blocks have a different color block encircled with all same-color blocks. Then of course there's the inner border encircling the nine square blocks. And outer circles encircling all of that. Very interesting. Your quilts are always like that: first they seem simple but a good look reveals an intriguing, deeper theme.

Janie said...

Super finish! Your hand quilting is beautiful.
And I too 'adore the wide plaid border' perfect, Kaja.

Ann said...

I always like a strong structure. And border. So I love this quilt. Interesting how the circles in the outer border appear larger even though I know they are not. At least the blocks contains those circles look larger to me. Another great finish. Congratulations.

Linda @ kokaquilts said...

A lovely finish! The simple circles take on such lovely prominence with your clever design!

Quilter Kathy said...

Congratulations on another wonderful circle quilt! This is what working in a series is all about... three quilts that are related and yet each one is so unique!

Monica said...

It's really lovely -- I like this one a lot. You sure got good mileage from Audrey's challenge!

patty a. said...

Congratulations for getting this done! It is such an interesting mix of colors and prints.

Cathy said...

Wonderful! Reminds me of a bunch of kid's watercolor paint boxes. And it makes me feel like I need to try some reverse applique. Congrats on the finish.

Glen QuiltSwissy said...

love it.

Carli The Quilter said...

yeah! your circle project is complete then? this is inspiring again!

Catherine said...

Your quilts are all so different but you have found such a distinctive voice. This is beautiful, as usual :-)