Tuesday, 24 January 2017

AHIQ - share your improv #17

Taking stock -and considering all the interesting suggestions from the comments on my last post.  Yesterday I started with this: suns facing out not in, rejigged bird columns.  

I have noticed that sometimes I hold onto bits and pieces from my original starting point too long: in this case there was no reason why the birds now in the middle had to stay on the left; it was just that I had got mentally stuck with that position.  I usually catch/question myself on this sort of thing sooner or later, but if someone out there gives me the prompt, so much the better (thanks, Monica!)

But things didn't stay like this - the birds started moving and this piece (bottom right above) grew...

and found a new home.  

This is where I ended up.  

Lots of this is not yet sewn together (the horizontal yellow strips are waiting to have words printed on them - thanks, Ann!) But that was more a question of time running out than anything else.  

I know that most people who visit my site will be checking out Ann's as well, but if you haven't done so already, do go and have a look at today's post (link just below), launching the first AHIQ challenge. 


Unknown said...

This is like a ray of sunlight amid all the grey murk that is hanging over the world here - and that is just the weather not politics! I love what is happening.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Oh, I really, really like that new bit with the bird and the orange triangles. This is turning into something wonderful!

PaulaB quilts said...

It's so interesting to see it evolving. Have some of the birds flown away? I hope they may return, I just love each one. Adding more flying geese has made that a stronger element. Keep up the good work!

Ann said...

The changes you've made strengthen your design. I wouldn't have thought of having the sun rise in different directions on a column. Looks good. And love the "double columns" of birds with a small one connecting them.

Janie said...

Looks good, the working out areas and then working them into the whole.
Thanks for sharing.
I like the improv coin quilt challenge too, thanks!

Mystic Quilter said...

I'm liking all the sun blocks facing out, and that long strip of the cheddar/orange fabric. Now I'm think about the lettering you're going to have on those solid strips! Just been to Ann's blog and left a comment there. I think the idea of the Chinese Coin Challenge is smashing! Thanks to you both for this new direction.

Cathy said...

Oh, I just love the color scheme, the birds, the bits and pieces and now you tell me there's going to be words too?? Twitter away!

Monica said...

Yes, I really like the juxtaposition of the geese and birds too, and they way you have framed them together with the strips. Sometimes the geese look like braids, too, which is a lovely texture. It's coming along well!

JanineMarie said...

Is it weird that I love how your floor sets this quilt off so wonderfully? And there's something so sweet about those slippers in the background. I usually like to look at your quilts "from far," but this one just begs to be examined up close. For example, I missed the light blue when I first viewed it and would never have seen the buttons without zooming in. Buttons (swoon)!Now I'm going to mull over what those words might be.

audrey said...

Love the close-ups of all the fabric variety. This quilt is so 'cool' and funky already. Very fun!

Cut&Alter said...

Just catching up on my blog reading, again!!, and it's great to see this quilt coming together - the colours are wonderful!

The Joyful Quilter said...

Thanks for sharing this piece as it transitioned toward a quilt top. LOVE where you ended up with this!! It looks very fresh (and now my collection of black, yellow, and gray is calling to me.)

Ruth said...

I don't know if its the colours or the birds or the process you go through but this is my favourite (thought it would be the lighthouses but I love the feel of this one!)

pandchintz said...

It's so much fun seeing how this is developing. Thank you for sharing your process with us.

LA Paylor said...

I mentioned the improv work you and Ann are doing on today's I Like post. Thanks for doing it! LeeAnna

Mary Marcotte said...

Wow Kaja, it really is looking great. I am interested in the new ideas and can't wait to see whether I'm able to pull it off. lol

Stephie said...

Love the way this is coming along Kaja - birds do have a habit of flying about! Look forward to seeing what words might take flight too...ok I'll stop now! x

eloidastitches said...

This is just gorgeous!! Love it!

Marly said...

This is beautiful and I find your thoughts on your process so inspirational. Thank you!