Friday 27 January 2017

A few small words

So, in a quick gallop through yesterday's progress, I 

  1. Printed some words 
  2. Added the word strips into my mostly pieced sections
  3. Added piecing up the right hand side and then sewed the top and bottom chunks together
  4. Decided that I didn't like the two long strips in the middle at the bottom (the orange-y one and the very pale one) right next to each other so shunted the bottom bird over to the left a bit and added some more geese.

This last move meant, of course that I had a tall thin gap along the top left-hand edge, but that has been filled in too, resulting in this.

Next time up I will have to get the rest of the birds out of the box and see where next.  I have noticed that these long, thin strips quite often make an appearance in my quilts and almost always as vertical, not horizontal lines. Maybe that's partly a practical solution to the problems that come with my way of piecing, maybe it's more that I like how the strong verticals anchor everything else that is going on.  To be honest I have not thought about it coherently before. Since I do like them I'm not too bothered but at the same time maybe next time I'll consider alternatives.

In the meantime, I off to give some thought to Chinese Coins for the first AHIQ challenge.

Linking up with NinaMarie for Off the Wall Friday


Kleine Vingers said...

Really like your quilt and the improv style. Greetings

Ruth said...

ooh adds another layer to this - loving it!

The Inside Stori said...

I'm not sure I've seen this unusual but oh so attractive color combination......wonderful as is the entire piece!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Your phrase, "get the rest of the birds out of the box" is a fantastic visual and also a fun metaphor for your improv piecing style at the same time!

Teagan said...

Really beautiful! The colors are so spot on for what I currently am seeing around me, living in Michigan in the Winter. :)

LA Paylor said...

words, yea!
you use strong lines which direct the eye and frame the improv piecing. gives order to the visual randomness

Ann said...

What hopeful words you've chosen. I love it!

sonja said...

you had me at shine.

Soma @ said...

Beautiful progress. I like your choice of words.


em's scrapbag said...

I really like the addition of the flying geese.

patty a. said...

This is looking so good! Adding the third orange piece to the upper left balances the piece and odd numbered items always look better. Love the subtle lettering additions. The piece looks tall and narrow; I will be looking forward to what you do next!

Janie said...

I agree with LA Paylor, she's got some good ideas.

quiltedfabricart said...

The words move the eye around the quilt just right. I love the sun cheerful scrappy colors in this dark dank winter we are having.

Cathy said...

I love the addition of the words! I'm really tempted to use the buttons as flower centers for some embroidered flowers!

Rachaeldaisy said...

This so so beautuful!! You have really captured sunshine in your quilt.

Stephie said...

I'm disappointed not to see Dawn Chorus up there, hahahaha!!!! I love the words you've chosen so far, and they look great on that Grunge too. Something else occurred to me... I know you make your quilts to be used, yet it's interesting that they seem to have a 'right way up', especially this one. I wonder what would happen if you made it 'multi-directional' - or more to the point, I wonder what you'd come up with, just out of pure curiosity. It's really exciting to see your development. x

Mystic Quilter said...

It's so good to watch this developing, love the words you've added, they do conjure up the start of a new day along with the sunny colours.

liniecat said...

This is positively joyful, like heralding a new day in vibrant bird song.

Mary said...

It looks like you stenciled the words on the grunge fabric. Did you use a certain kind of paint or some other process to get the words on the fabric? Take care, Mary.

Kate @ Smiles From Kate said...

Interesting quilt Kaja. A surprising mix of colours which works so wonderfully well. I never know what you are going to come up with next and you never fail to surprise me. It's lovely.

Monica said...

Wow, it's looking awesome, Kaja! Have you left the buttons on the plaid band there? Love that!

Cut&Alter said...

It's looking so good Kaja. I was thinking about the last words you printed the other night and then promptly forgot to email you for advice. Do you use ink or paint? And what kind? Are they regular rubber stamps? I have an idea in my head that needs words and I am not sure how to do the words ....

Catherine said...

I admire your inventiveness so much! This is amazing.