Wednesday 1 February 2017

Spot the difference

A little bit more progress, though I have also spent quite a bit of time just mindlessly making flying geese.  I don't really mind that; it's quite soothing just running stuff through the machine and it's good to have plenty of little units to play around with.

When I started this morning this is what my floor looked like.  The first thing I did was so go backwards, which is to say that there were a couple of bird bits that I decided I didn't like and I have pulled them to pieces.  There was one in particular where the little dark bird was right on the top edge and the whole thing looked sort of round-shouldered to me.  I've liberated it from its surroundings and will try again.  It is currently the middle bird on the left-hand side and now just has a tiny yellow strip added across the top to try and make it look less squashed.

The eagle-eyed amongst you may notice that the bird bits go down in different places each time I lay this out.  If I like something at the end of a session I do take a quick snap on my phone so that I can reproduce it next time. Unfortunately when push comes to shove I usually lack the discipline to keep checking that picture and just  put the pieces down in whatever way appeals to me that day.

This is where I left it today - who knows what it will look like when I start again tomorrow!


patty a. said...

I really like this piece! I enjoy seeing the progress and how you are building this quilt.

Monica said...

I am always taking photos to "remember" my arrangement, and I hardly ever stick with it later. There are always little improvements to be made. Fortunately, photos are free! It's really coming along well. :D

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

I am really enjoying how bright and cheery this quilt is; and so keeping a bird from feeling squashed feels like the absolute right choice for this quilt.

JanineMarie said...

Aw, how kind of you to free that little bird. So far I like every way you've laid out your pieces. I think phone pictures are a great way to save a layout, even if you don't always refer back to them, but I find them to be a great way to catch problem areas as you're working, too. After seeing how my work looked on a picture last week, I ended up doing a bit of quilt top surgery because a misstep really stood out on my phone.

Ann said...

It looks better every time you show us your progress. I use phone photos too and forget them sometimes. Ha! Twins across the water.

helenjean@midgetgemquilts said...

A bit like yourself I take a picture but then usually disregard it the next time . This is coming together beautifully . A real ray of sunshine in the winter ❄️

Kate @ Smiles From Kate said...

I'm not really into patterned fabric much but I could make an exception for your birds. I have taken photo's before, I usually remember halfway through stitching them together differently. Oh for a working design wall :-(

Mystic Quilter said...

Oh yes, I see the yellow strip above the birdie and it does give him a little more head room! All looking lovely Kaja.

Cut&Alter said...

What great progress Kaja - it's coming together so beautifully!