Sunday, 19 February 2017

New project and more quilting

Not much piecing going on around here this week, but I have done quite a bit of hand stitching.  I have started a new Alabama Chanin piece: fabric cut and stenciled so now I am back-stitching around the shapes. The fabric is an organic wool jersey, which I hope is going to be nice and warm, especially as it is a double layer.  It may not be finished in time for this winter, but at least I'll be ready come autumn.

I have also been quilting Quiet Quilt.  It felt like I was making good progress but then I made a big mistake.  I realised that since the design is basically 9x9 9-patch blocks I could work out exactly how much of the quilt was done at any given point.  That will probably be fine once I'm halfway through, but when you still have 650-odd little units to do it's not so encouraging.  I have done 7 9-patches this week, which leaves me 74 (or 666 of the little squares) still to do. 

On the bright side, I am happy with how the orange-y thread is working. 

Linking up with Kathy for Slow Sunday Stitching.


Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

You have some lovely stitching there! :)

France Nadeau ❅ inspiration imagination creation said...

Orang-y was a bold choice. But it works very well with the colors of your fabrics! Have a good week!

Deb A said...

Such pretty even stitches.

Robin said...

Curious to see the whole quilt. Good luck with the 74 more units to go. It will be done before you know it.

Quilter Kathy said...

It's discouraging to look at the numbers at the beginning, but it will be more fun as you near completion!
Enjoy every fabulous orange stitch!

Sue McQ said... you mark your quilting lines to get them so straight? Blessings from Sue at

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

The thread on the wool jersey looks so shimmery. I would have counted all the blocks on Quiet, too. I'm glad you like the thread as you make more progress!

Julierose said...

What is Alabama chanin--a style of quilt?--my first time hearing about it. I have some lovely jersey and am looking for a way to use it up (my mantra for this year). thanks for sharing hugs, Julierose

Anonymous said...

I had to smile at your piece count. I just started a bisquit quilt for our California King bed. I'll be following along enjoying your progress while baking my 300+ biscuits.


Kathy S. said...

Love those orangy stitches! It's coming along beautifully.

Mystic Quilter said...

660 small squares does sound a lot ... I love the thread you're using on your new project.

Janie said...

I assume you mean Alabama Chanin designs? They have some lovely outfits etc., the Ila corset and the Frida Wrap Scarf are on my wish list.
Is your piece you're working on inspired by them or a kit or something else?
I love your stitches.

Jill said...

I also like your orange thread stitches.

Ann said...

I only knew about Alabama Chanin's soft furnishings. Love your stenciling and look forward to your clothing.

Cut&Alter said...

I love Alabama Chanin's work. I made a skirt in NZ using her technique which I love .... but have never worn because it's really not me!!

Stephie said...

If that was me I'd have counted it wrong and discovered I had three times as much to do as I thought, haha! You're a brave woman :D Oh and thanks for giving me more ideas for making if I haven't got enough on the go!!! Still, my wardrobe is kinda bare... Love the texture you've got going there :) x

patty a. said...

You have to look at the glass half full other in other words look at the percentage done. I keep track of my progress that was all the time to see how much I accomplished. It is fun to see that done percentage go up! The orange quilting looks wonderful!

Soma @ said...

You always work with such beautiful shimmery colours and your hand quilting is amazing! You will be sewing the binding before you know it :)
