Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Another little step forward

I have rectified my piecing mistake, and everything is back the way it should be.

But looking at it again I didn't like these two strips next to each other.

I wondered about using more triangles to separate them, but the ones I had sitting around were a bit bigger than I wanted...

so I tried piecing little strips out of my scrap pile, like this.

I liked this better, so I kept going and ended up here.  

You'll see I've made another little quarter circle block too.

Linking up with Lorna at Sew Fresh Quilts for Lets Bee Social.


Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

I really like that you aren't afraid to rip a seam to change something that doesn't speak to you. I've decided to view my seam ripper as a real world "undo button". It makes it kind of magical when I think of it that way. :)

Libby in TN said...

Looking quite nautical, Mate!

Vanni said...

Amazing! Thanks for sharing the whole process - it's really inspiring!

Lisa J. said...

I love that you always show us your progress...including what you don't like and decide to change. I think sometimes I think that the quilts I make are statics...but they don't have to be!

JanineMarie said...

Okay, this is getting exciting now. I really like the more "busy" parts next to the bigger, plainer patches of color.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Yes! Yes! Yes!!

helenjean@midgetgemquilts said...

It really does keep growing . And you were right to lessen the impact of those two long strips. It's getting very interesting

cspoonquilt said...

Love these blocks and the layout! And red, white and blue is always a fabulous color scheme! I really like that they are all have the same flavor but they are not the same.

Janie said...

I see three themes.
You could add some neutral, to focus on the three (more or less), or go for broke and do scrappy all the way.
The possibilities are endless!

Kate @ Smiles From Kate said...

Some decisions just seem to make themselves and others just seem wrong, and you need to go through a myriad of choices before you come to the right one. Just trust your instincts, they have always been right before.

France Nadeau ❅ inspiration imagination creation said...

I like the addition of the little squares. They look better next to the stripes than the triangles. This project is getting nicer and nicer. :-) Have a good weekend!

Mystic Quilter said...

It is so exciting watching this quilt grow. Love your small cross blocks in the mix, great idea.

Stephie said...

It's great to see how much you get done in just a day or two! I love the way this is coming together :)

Soma @ said...

I like seeing the WIP photos. Looking great so far!
