I'm still fiddling around, making little pieces. In the pictures below you might notice I've added a tiny strip across the bottom of of the block I have been working on.
I've also been making more little cross blocks, some more triangle strips and extra quarter circles.
I have obviously done some fiddling about trying to get a feel for what works, what I like but haven't settled on much. I am wondering now if I want to try and make a few pieces somewhere between the tiny bits and the big quarter circles in size. I am wondering about some medium-sized crosses maybe. Not much harm in making a couple and having a look, I think.
In the meantime...
I love the way this is progressing Kaya, and the little flags fit in beautifully.
I have some bits left from a recent project I'm thinking about improvising with, but none of them are tiny. So my question to you is do you cut things even smaller to make your ideas work?
Love watching the progress on this one! It's going to be amazing.
It's a really interesting project Kaja ! I love the fabrics you chose and the triangles you added in the quarter circles.
I can't believe how different this looks each time I come take a peek at it. At first I got kind of a sundial vibe from it but now I'm getting a nautical vibe from it. Both good vibes!
I like watching your progress because some day I'm going to take all my little bits and finish off my tea towel UFO. I just haven't fiddled and dithered the right vibe yet!
What a fun combination of flags (the cross blocks) and pennants (the triangles. Your offset arrangement is also intriguing.
This piece is very dynamic to me. I like the combination of the curves, triangles, and flag pieces.
Love the results from your 'fiddling' around with fabric!
Exciting viewing Kaja and I like the strips you've added, just adds a little separation.
The one thing I know for sure is that I could not work this way! Too much uncertainty for me. But, I agree with all your choices, I can see how each one is an improvement. Onwards!
Good progress, your theme is carrying you through.
I really love where this is going.
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